September is my favourite month for so many reasons – lingering warmth from the summer, the feeling of a fresh start with a new school year and a tonne of seasonal produce to cook your way through.
I wish I had more success to report from our allotment, but alas it’s been a poor season. We’ve got beetroot and leeks to write home about, but not much else. The crazy amounts of rain kind of got in the way this year, but with the help of the in-laws we’ve cleared the patch a bit and will be planting up some winter veg and hoping the slugs and snails leave well alone. Apologies for the lack of updates so far this year.
We have had more luck in the back yard though – grobags of two varieties of tomatoes, peppers and aubergines… watch out for some recipes this month featuring all three.
But what seasonal delights are YOU cooking up this harvest month?! There’s a lot to choose from but here’s a little list to get you thinking…
- blackberries
- apples
- plums
- beetroot
- tomatoes
- aubergine
- pumpkin
- lamb
I’m properly excited to be hosting Simple and in Season this month for Ren Behan of Fabulicious Food – the blogging event bustling with recipes that inspire you to try making something a bit different. If you happen to be cooking a seasonal recipe then you can take part…
1. Blog about your seasonal produce or recipe before 30th September 2012
2. Add a link to this post and use the Simple and in Season badge, and of course a link to Ren’s newly redesigned Fabulicious Food
3. Add the URL link to your post to the Simply Linked widget below
4. If you tweet about your entry, I will re-tweet any that I see.
There are more guidelines over on Ren’s blog to keep you right…
Just found this lovely linky event. Hope you like my courgette cake
– looking forward to lots of seasonal recipes.
thanks for joining us
How lovely, I have made something that would be perfect for this event. Do love Simple & in Season! Sorry your allotment hasn’t done too well this year. I have been swamped by a mammoth squash plant that will not stop spreading. Will be offering them to anyone that wants some in about a month’s time!
Squash plants do go a bit bonkers don’t they – chutney galore?! Looking forward to seeing your recipe
Ooh thanks Katie for a lovely post and for launching and hosting September. I’m giggling at Laura’s monster squash plant! We’ve had a crazy back to school week but I’ve set aside tomorrow to post August’s lovely round up. X
Back to school week is pretty nuts isn’t it – i’ve just finished labelling everything and trying to find a pirate-related object for Sam to take in for his first day… ah the joys!
I have just added my vegetable soup to the challenge! I love your site design and your recipes are very good.
Thanks Alida – i’ll be hopping over to check out your soup later
fab!… can’t wait to take part… I have tomatoes ripening on the vine as we speak and if they don’t make the cut then some lamb will work a treat too… Dom x
Thanks Dom – look forward to seeing what you come up with
It’s been a tough year in the veg plot, but you’re right – the beetroot have come through OK. I’ve added a link to one of my favourite ways to cook beetroot. Looking forward to a month of seasonal cooking with inspiration from this challenge!
thanks for joining in Sarah – Beetroot is hardy veg alright!
Made some fabulous (if I say so myself) Blackberry Cupcakes yesterday with some of the blackberries I picked yesterday morning…
ultra yum – what a great flavour idea for cakes
Hello Katie. I have added my recipe for my plums tart. Unfortunately I could’t link the recipe to it so I just linked my blog address. It says that the URL is too long to be linked.
Do you think you could add it for me? This is it:
Many thanks!
Thanks for linking up Alida – I can’t get the URL to work either. I’ll make sure it gets linked properly in my round-up post
I have just entered with foraged chantarelles and lingonberries from last weekend, September is a great month!
gotta love a bit of foraging at this time of year
I’ve been going a bit mad with figs this month so I’ve added 2, I hope that’s ok
that’s great Helen – really loving all these fig recipes that are arriving
Had to enter my recipe for this month’s Simple and In Season competition. Enjoy.
oh wow thanks that looks DIVINE!
thanks for hosting the linky i have popped over from One Ingredient Challenge
oooh thanks Jenny – i’ve been getting some fabulous fig recipes thanks to you
Just submitted my Autumn Broth Katie, better late than never!
thanks Karen! loving soups right now
Simple blackberry cake another entry to simple and in season , love this campaign