The Easter holidays are hurtling towards us, and so do thoughts of scoffing a disgraceful amount of chocolate! So to celebrate this joyous thought I’ve teamed up with Hotel Chocolat to give one of my lucky readers the chance to win the BIGGEST Easter Egg I’ve ever got my hands on – result!!!!
I’m sure you don’t need me to introduce Hotel Chocolat to you, as they seem to be popping up on high streets everywhere, but one thing’s for sure their range of Easter Eggs is pretty extensive. If you’re looking for a seasonal gift that’s more sophisticated than a supermarket special, this is definitely the place to go.
The Giant Chocolate Easter Eggs are certainly the pick of the bunch – I really could not believe my eyes when the gargantuan Ostrich Easter Egg arrived on my doorstep for me to review.
The first thing that strikes me is the sheer weight of the box – coming in at an impressive 1.4kg.
The packaging is stunning – inside the sturdy box the giant egg is wrapped in elegant ruffled silver paper with white ribbon and nestled in vivid red paper shavings. Within the box also awaits an entire black drawer of chocolates to slide out and enjoy.
And as if that’s not enough there are also two 100g slabs of beautifully presented solid chocolate and a seasonal chocolate bunny lollipop. It’s the kind of gift you could give to an entire family and there’d be enough for everyone.
In terms of the actual eating experience, we started with the box of chocolates which were delicious – I especially enjoyed the slightly salty liquid caramels.
The main event, the Ostrich Egg did not disappoint. I flew at the inch thick chocolate shells with a pretty hefty vintage ladle to crack it into pieces. The 40% chocolate is smooth and creamy but with a satisfyingly crunchy bite thanks to chunks of cookie, chocolate and crisps.
I’ve never spent £65 on an Easter Egg before, but I have to say the amount of great quality chocolate you get combined with beautiful packaging certainly seems bang on the money.
Have I lured you in enough to want one?!
The Prize: One Hotel Chocolat Ostrich Easter Egg in milk or dark chocolate worth £65, complete with large egg, box of chocolates, two 100g bars of solid chocolate and chocolate bunny lollipop
Runner’s Up Prize: The Eggsibitionist Extra Thick Easter Egg worth £24. With both shells in our house 40% milk chocolate and 12 gorgeously decorated mini eggs hiding inside – including salted liquid caramel, melt-away hazelnut praline, silky smooth truffles, chocolate brownie and more.
There is one main way to enter and several ways to get bonus entries. You must leave a separate comment for each bonus entry otherwise they will not be counted.
1. Mandatory. Leave a comment below telling me your favourite Easter memory.
2. For a second chance to win head over to Hotel Chocolat’s page on Facebook to enter their competition to name their new Easter Egg. Then leave a comment here to tell me you’ve done so.
3. For a third chance to win tweet a link to this giveaway as follows: “Win Giant Hotel Chocolat Ostrich Easter Egg worth £65 @cookingkt” WITH A LINK TO THIS POST. (feel free to use a URL shortener in case it doesn’t fit!)
Then leave a third comment saying you’ve done so telling me your Twitter ID.
4. For a fourth chance to win follow me @cookingkt on Twitter and comment to tell me you have done so.
Good Luck!
This giveaway is open to all readers over 18 with a UK postal address. The winner and runner up will be chosen using an online randomiser and announced in a subsequent post. When commenting please leave your e-mail address so I can contact you if you win.
Closing date: midday Thursday 15th April 2011 – For delivery in time for Easter it’s crucial you check your email or I’ll have to select another winner.
This competition is sponsored by Hotel Chocolat.
My favourite Easter memory is from the early 1960s. We went to the Lake District for a family outing on Easter Sunday, taking my Grandma. There was a late cold snap – Tarn Hows was frozen and the hills were covered in snow.We had a wonderful day, and it is a very precious memory because two weeks later, Grandma suffered a stroke and passed away.
I’ve entered the Hotel Chocolat competition
I’ve tweeted @janesgrapevine
I’m already following you on Twitter @janesgrapevine
Easter makes me think of my sister hanging painted wooden eggs on a stick of Forsythia, she’d been to Germany the year before and that’s a custom over there.
I have tweeted. @TheBoyandMe (but I’m private so you might not see it if you’re not following me)
Think I was already following you, but if not, am now. @TheBoyandMe
Thanks for this!
My favourite Easter memory is every bank holiday weekend going to the funfair in Porthcawl or Barry Island, home of Gavin and Stacey. Having donuts or candy floss and sausage and chips from the greasy spoon cafe….probably set me up for heart disease for life, but great fun when you’re 10!
Have tweeted @melandjake99
My favourite Easter memory is the amazing chocolate easter basket cake my mum always used to make me as it falls near my birthday… filled with delicious eggs and decorated with sugar flowers and Easter chicks – amazingly delicious!
I have tweeted! @emymc
… and I am following you on twitter. Thanks so much!
Definately my granddad creating easter egg hunts for us around his garden! Cant wait to do it for J this year!
Have liked and entered their FB comp
my favorite easter memory is the very first time my parents held an egg hunt in our garden when i was about 5yrs old i thought it was as magical a christmas, i now do the same for my children
i have entered the hotel chocolate competition on facebook
i follow you on twitter @mrstracey1972 and have tweeted your link
i have sent you a tweet on twitter many thanks and best of luck to all
My memories of easter are when my kidswere younger i used to pinch the chocolate from the back of their eggs so they wouldn’t notice ! What a bad mother lol !
i have entered the compettition x
I am following as @CHOCOAJ on twitter x
Have tweeted your link x @CHOCOAJ
the most memorable easter was when somebody left the easter eggs by the radiator and they all melted.
I’m already following you on Twitter @emmacella
I’ve tweeted @emmacella
I’ve entered the Hotel Chocolat competition
My grandfather’s love of Easter began long before I was born, or so my mother used to tell me. I was only 8 months old my first Easter so my Easter parading was done in my carriage! I got a beautiful Easer basket from “George”. My grandfather found someone in the city who made the baskets. I obviously don’t remember that first Easter, although I do have memories of the Easters a few years later. The memories that I still keep with me today are all stored in that Easter basket.
my favourite easter memory is last year with my daughter -we spent the day doing lots of easter craft things and painting eggs (and of course eating chocolate eggs too). Lots of fun!
i have tweeted @ashlallan
i am following on twitter @ashlallan
My favourite Easter memory was when an uncle who I did not see very often posted me the biggest Easter egg I had ever seen. My parents always bought me an Easter egg but we didn’t have very much money to spare so it was always a small one. When I opened the parcel neither my Mum nor I could believe it – and it was so beautifully packaged it was almost a shame to open it – but we forced ourselves!
I have tweeted – @beachrambler
I already follow on twitter – @beachrambler
My favourite Easter memory, when I was small, is one of painting dozens of eggs either with vegetable dye or with paints (mum was an artist) and they looked gorgeous. Assorted jewel and pastel clours, rurAL SCENES AND SPRING FLOWERS.Then decoring a large silver bonbon basket with daffodils and paper narcissi on a doily and with a baked lamb sweet yeast cake sitting in the middle (in 3D no less). This was taken to be bleesed in a church ceremony and then used as a centre piece for the Easter table. At dinner we opened the eggs, cut them and offered them to each other and guests (we had about 20 assorted guests and neighbours around that time). A great start to magnificent feast.
Already like Hotel Chocolat’s page on facebook!
I’ve entered the Hotel Chocolat competition
Followed on Twitter @chrriss88
Already like Hotel Chocolat’s page on facebook! Yummy yum yum!
My favourite memory of Easter, was sharing our home with a family who’s house had been flooded due to burst pipes. There were 4 children and I have 3 brothers and sisters so it was a merry squash we played hunt the egg in the garden with hard boiled eggs it was such fun abd the memory has lasted as if it was yesterday… LOL
Have tweeted the link (@ZoshJosh)
Following you on Twitter (@ZoshJosh)
My favourire Easter memory… I must have been about 10 and we went camping near Hastings on a farm. It’s always stuck in my mind seeing all the newborn lambs 🙂 x
Have entered Hotel Chocolat FB Competition 🙂
Have tweeted @SqueakyBull
Am now following you as well 🙂 x
My favourite, and earliest, Easter memory was opening the fridge door and finding it full of chocolate!
I’ve also entered the Hotel Chocolat ‘name the egg’ competition
Also following you on Twitter (kyber1993)
My favourite Easter memory is the time my parents hid the Easter eggs and gave us crytic clues and a treasure hunt.
I have tweeted @kathrynhhhhh
My favourite Easter memory is from when I was about seven. Usually we took our Easter eggs out to a massive hill to roll them down (to crack them) but the weather was so bad we were allowed to roll them down the stairs. It was very satisfying dropping a chocolate egg from the landing and seeing it bump, bump, BUMP, as it landed in the hall in tiny pieces – it was very funny and we managed to salvage quite a lot of the chocolate (though I never tried that again!!)
I am not on twitter or Facebook, so just this blog
When we were small my Aunt used to buy us Easter Eggs with a little Wade ornament, and we used to try and collect them all, trouble is we only got one a year, I cannot remember if we ever did
I must have been 6 or so and my dad hid dozens of little foil wrapped eggs round our garden, which was huge- it took hours, but I guess that might have been the point!! I will do the same for my son this year I think
following you on twitter as mrs_meep too thanks
I remember one Easter when the weather was cold and miserable I decided to create an indoor Easter egg hunt for my 2 kids. It took me about 2 hours to write the rhyming clues and hide them on the Saturday evening – and it took the kids about 10 minutes to rush around the house solving them and find their eggs! Happy days!
My favourite Easter memory is probably when I was about 5 years old at school and the Easter Bunny came around and gave us all chocolate!
I have entered the Hotel Chocolat competition on Facebook to name the baby egg.
I have tweeted the competition as @MySonsSpongeMad on Twitter.
My fav easter memory is my nan doing a easte egg hunt. But was with clues as to where the next egg was! Was great fun 🙂
I follow on twitter @rachelmedhurst
I am following @cookingkt on Twitter as @MySonsSpongeMad
I know it’s not an extra entry, but I’ve added your comp on my blog too 🙂
Have tweeted 🙂
Have entered the Hotel Choc facebook comp 🙂
Easter egg hunt at school… I was in the same team as a boy from my chemistry class. Wefollowed the clues and won the prize. He said that I could keep the chocolate if he could keep me!
We are married and have 3 teenage children, where has the time gone?
I am following @cookingkt on Twitter as @kohsamuirosie
My favourite Easter memory was giving my brother chicken pox. I was off school then had Easter holiday with no horrid younger brother being a pain. I also got to eat his eggs as he didn’t want them. We are good friends now.
I have tweeted @kohsamuirosie
And I have entered the hotel chocolat comp on fb! Hubby sent a link from work a few days ago!
have entered hotel chocolat competiton on facebook
following and RT @kniknaxnjj
following you on twitter @kniknaxnjj
I remember getting a M&S duck shaped East Egg one year. It was soo cool I couldn’t eat it.
@kimmy393 on twitter
Hi – I’ve posted on twitter and hopefully am in your competition now! Thank you
I loved Easter as a kid, my mum would always do an elaborate easter egg hunt with proper printed clues!! My favourite memory though has to be when my little brother was about 2 (he’s 26 now bless him lol) and he walked round for about an hour holding half an easter egg in his mouth, when we finally got him to drop it he had a perfect chocolate ring around his face (we still have the photographic evidence to embarrass him to his friends too)
I’ve entered on the Hotel Chocolat FB page and Tweeted (@hellie23) and am following you :o)
Done- and following your blog.
my fave easter memory is when me and my twin were 7. my mum made her own easter eggs and hid tickets for disney land inside them. such a surprise!
Tweeting as @CRYSTALmse =) x
I’ve done the Facebook Hotel Chocolat name the Easter Egg thng too 😉
my fave easter memory is from when i went on my first pack holiday with the brownies, the whole time was easter themed and we had such fun making chocolate crispy nests with mini eggs in them – that reminds me i promised to make them this year with my stepsiblings as they’re now old enough to appreciate it and make memories of their own 🙂
My favourite easter memory as a young girl was always helping my grandmother make me an easter bonnet for our school easter bonnet competition. I used to win quite a lot as she made gorgeous bonnets.
Have shared also on facebook etc. Thanks for running this comp
i’ve tweeted here as claireg2
i am following (@claireg2)
p.s. sorry i didn’t know it would put a huge picture of my tweet in my last comment!!!
When I hid loads of chocolate eggs for a children’s party and by the time the children went outside to find them next doors dog had jumped the fence and taken loads of them!
Favourite easter memory is being old enough to be allowed to choose the egg I wanted rather than just having one brought for me.
For a second chance to win head over to Hotel Chocolat’s page on Facebook to enter their competition to name their new Easter Egg. DONE
TWEETED – @clairew137
For a fourth chance to win follow me @cookingkt on Twitter and comment to tell me you have done so – done @clairew137
My favourite Easter memory is a family holiday to Cornwall during the Easter holidays when I was a child. I got to try my first ever cream tea, complete with home-made scones, strawberry jam & real Cornish clotted cream. I’ve never forgotten how good it tasted.
I have fond memories of watching blockbuster movies with a religious theme , accompanied by my Father .
My favourite easter memory is painting and decorating boiled eggs with my dad and watching him make us paste eggs like he used to get as a child from my grandparents. I also remember the days out at Hamsterley Forest on easter Sunday and following an easter trail my parents set out for us
My favourite Easter memory is the Easter egg hunts we did at church after the mass on Easter Sunday. Was a lovely time with all the other children and families.
Following you on Twitter as @Foster_Cats
Tweeted the link as @Foster_Cats
Hunting for hidden Easter eggs in the house and garden when I was a child
I’ve enetered the competiton on Hotel Chocolat’s page on Facebook
Liked and entered on Facebook: Carole Dorran
My favourite Easter memory is one from my childhood. It was a cold easter and snow had fallen overnight. My dad being the good easter bunny had woken early and hidden our eggs around the garden before we woke.
Upon waking my brother and I were told that the Easter bunny had been and we were to hunt for our eggs. My dad stood bemused as we returned within seconds. We were asked how we found them so quickly. It was easy when you were able to follow size 10 welly prints to their hiding positions!
I remember walking into the living room at easter when I was about 7 and the room being FULL of easter eggs and chocolate…that is definitely my best easter memory! 🙂
Already did hotel choc comp on FB, my name on FB is Natalie Holland
I tweeted, @fairydustwing
I already follow you on twitter, @fairydustwing
My favourite easter memory is my children chasing and being amazed by the easter bunny on a easter egg hunt on a beautiful day in the beautiful tatton park
have liked on facebook and tweeted @sarahforan1
My fav easter memory is when I was about 6 and for my easter present my mum and dad bought me a pet lamb! I named him bunny 🙂 I loved him so much, and easter always reminds me of him!
I have liked, and entered Hotel Chocolat’s name the egg competition 🙂
RT’d the message with a link @TinkerbellGemz x
I am now following on you on twitter @cookingkt xx
my favourite easter memory was winning a big sack of chocolate eggs from woolworths in a competition, i did share them with my friends and family though and i felt like the easter bunny myself 🙂
My favouite easter memory is when our grandma use to set up an easter trail and now i do the same for my daughter.
Every Easter as a child. Just cosy family occasions. Lovely.
My favourite Easter memory so far… Last year, cooking roast lamb for all of my family in my own home for the first time, with my new husband. It was so good to let my mum and grandma relax after years and years of preparing Easter Sunday lunch for me. And I only panicked once!
My favourite Easter memory is finding the giant egg in an Easter Egg hunt when I was 7 – I felt as if I had achieved an Olympic Gold!
Have entered the Facebook competition
Am following on Twitter @scrumpy11
easter for me is when my mum and dad bought me a giant chocolate bunny . ill remember it all my life i was only about 7 at the time . i also love seeing my childrens faces now and try to make them remember the real meaning of easter !!!!
entered on facebook too !!!
I remember making one of those chocolate nests at nursery school and the lady putting eggs in. i took it home and put it in the airing cupboard, and waited for the eggs to hatch. Needless to say they never did and the nest melted! I still can’t see a mini egg without thinking about my easter chicks that never came! lol
My favourite easter memory is watching my daughter with a little basket hunting for Easter eggs in my Father in Law’s back garden
Have liked and entered on Facebook
one easter, my parents had set up a easter egg hunt around our flat, with a map and cryptic clues, and the last “egg” was a eggshaped box full of sweets and chocolate.
Favourite Easter moment has to be having a massive easter egg hunt at my local park.
My favourite Easter memory was when me and my brothers painted our eggs, (mine was a pirate for some reason!), struggled up a hill and rolled our eggs down. We couldn’t wait to run down to the bottom to crack them open and eat them but there were so many rocks and stones on the hill when we reached the bottom they were smashed to smithereens! We weren’t laughing at the time but those are the memories that childhood is all about lol
I will follow on Facebook and tweet on Twitter
Twitter name @SPOOGYWOOGY
Followed on Twitter
My greatest memory, is sitting at the dinning room table with my mum every yr with my younger brother, an egg each in front of us, whilst our mum told us the meaning of easter.
Have entered on FB Amanda Cottingham
Have RTd on twitter
Have followed
I remember my big sister buying me a bar of Galaxy and telling me it was an egg but she’d sat on it!!
Entered the Facebook comp (albeit badly!)
Tweeted @wendymcd83
Follow you on Twitter @wendymcd83
My favourite Easter Memory was taking my little boy to the beach in Brixham for the first time in 2009 when he was only 2 weeks old.
I have entered the FB competition
have tweeted
following on Twitter
My favourite Easter memory is the Easter my Daughters were old enough to do their first Egg Hunt. They were so excited when they woke. I’d purchaed 2 little baskets and had previously hid all their goodies around the house. It took a while for them to find everything but we enjoyed every minute. They still insist I do them each year even though my oldest is now in college. Just goes to show, you can never be too old for Easter fun. 🙂
Had fun naming Hotel Chocolates new Easter Egg.
Tweeted and included the link to this fab giveaway 🙂 @bevleek
Already a Tweeter fan & follower of you. @bevleek <3
Woops! Meant Twitter fan. lol
Many good memories of setting challenging puzzles for the kids as part of Great Easter Egg Hunts. It is amazing how many details my kids remember of these egg hunts. A favourite recollection is of a forfeit I made them do which involved balancing plastic animals on their heads and singing I’m a Little Teapot!
Entered Hotel Chocolat’s Name the Egg comp
Tweeted as @PaulaHaylock
Following as @PaulaHaylock
My favourite Easter memory is when myself and my children spent the day at a friends house she had made a wonderful ester egg hunt for us all and even had eggs for us to paint too – it was a wonderful day Xx
I’ve entered the Hotel Chocolat competition
I`ve tweeted @relisys222
I`m following you on twitter @relisys222
Thanks for the chance to win Xx
My earliest and favourite Easter memory is of my bunny rabbit, Smokey, playing the “Easter Bunny” and hiding an egg in her hutch. I would have been about five, and I was convinced she was the real Easter Bunny!
Have tweeted
And I already stalk you on Twitter!
weird memory, but one i love having,
watching Dick Dale play Miserlou and anything else he wanted in a pub in north london last Good Friday. His cancer had cancelled previous shows in the UK and it has since come back in a bad way. That night there was no stopping him from stripping the paint off the walls
have tweeted @81misfit
following you on twitter
My favourite Easter memory is playing egg hunt with my friends in the park, we all had 2 plastic eggs filled with chocolate and sweets and had to find each others eggs, when we found them we got to eat what was inside Yummy 🙂
Entered on Facebook 🙂
My favourite Easter memory is hatching real little chicks in the incubator.We raised some lovely chickens and ended up calling one of them Betty.She was so cute and turned into a really friendly hen.Another one turned into a cockerel and we thought we’d spare the neighbours a new early morning alarm clock so we found him a lovely home on a farm where we knew he would be safe and well looked after.
My most memorable Easter is when i was about five or six, my parents, sisters and little niece spent the saturday evening decorating eggs to roll down the hill for ourselves and for the children who would be attending the Easter Eggstravaganza that my parents had organised for a local club they ran. We had the egg rolling which was followed by our easter treasure hunt, a visit from the easter bunny, and a party for us kids and parents. It was a great day not just for my family but also for our local community
Have liked on FB. Entered the Name the Egg. Tweeted also @Alexis1976. Got fingers crossed really want to win, Good Luck Everyone x
My favourite Easter memory is from when I was about 13 and my mum bought me a hockey stick. Quite a random Easter present but it was what I wanted at the time. These days I´d rather have chocolate than sports equipment and this monster egg would do nicely! Thanks for the giveaway.
I´ve entered the Hotel Chocolat competition on Facebook.
I´ve tweeted the message. My id is @heylinguine. Thanks!
and I´m following you on twitter. @heylinguine.
Certainly my most vivid memory is my little sister eating an entire chocolate bunny before lunch and throwing up on the stair carpet.
Ate so much chocolate I was sick – probably not my favourite Easter memory!
I must have been about five and I remember being in a school Easter production. My mother had to fashion a rabbit outfit so she did something with an old fur hat and made to furry ears. I remember being so embarassed! Makes me laugh now.
I’ve entered Hotel Chocolat’s name the Easter Egg competition on facebook.
I have sent a tweet.
I’m already following you on twitter. @maisietoo
My memory is watching my niece and nephew on the Easter egg hunt in the garden. When they found all the eggs we had to hide them again because they enjoyed looking so much.
My favourite Easter memory was last year. My husband had planned a surprise easter egg hunt for me and our 3 year old daughter. He’d drawn lots of picture clues and dressed up as a rabbit. He hid the eggs everywhere imaginable and it took us ages to find them….Infact we ended up finding a few more the following month!!!
Im doing the hunt this year, and am so excited as we have another addition to our family though at only 7months old, I will have to eat his share of chocolate!! But seriously…could ou imagaine my hubbys and daughters face, when they get to the final egg…and its the ostrich egg!!!???
Have gonbe over to FB and named the cute little egg!
I follow you on twitter @Naneth84
Visiting my cousins abroad was my happiest easter memory.
Have entered via facebook too.
My favourite Easter memory is getting my very own real Easter Bunny as a surprise gift from my Mum and Dad. I had been pestering them for months to get me a rabbit as a pet so I was thrilled to bits to see him out in the back garden when I thought they had just hidden my Easter Egg out there
have entered the Hotel Chocolat competition on Facebook
have tweeted your message @juliedee4663
follow you on twitter @juliedee4663
My favourite Easter memory was waking up on Easter Sunday afternoon after working the Easter Saturday night shift to find my boyfriend had laid a trail of mini eggs leading to my main Easter egg!
Have already entered the Hotel Chocolat Facebook competition
Have tweeted
Already following you on Twitter
I have lovely memories of receiving lots of Easter eggs and eating so many i felt sick. It was always a competition to see who had the most chocolate eggs. No matter how many we had there never seemed to be enough… greedy or what!
I have tweeted. x
I am following you on twitter @tylwcus x
easter egg hunting while caravanning during my childhood
im following you
i tweeted the message
when i was a kid we had an Easter parade and we made big,bright hats and wore then on the back of a flat bed truck, used to be about 50 kids on it. everything was bright and very beautiful. really enjoyed this
Back in the 60’s; My wife and I had taken over a News / Confectiorery shop; this particular year Easter was late. We decided to raffle one of Cadburys Giant Eggs asan Easter special and dressed our shop window with all the purple and yellow and green and white crepe paper with chicks and daffodils : a spectacular sight; the last week before Easter when the raffle for the egg was to be drawn, the weather changed from Rain; Clouds , and chill to a beautiful warm Spring weekend;
Our beautiful Giant Cadbury Egg suddenly developed an unhealthy hole in its centre; DISASTER We finally resolved the problem by inserting a 1/2 lb box of Milk Tray to fill the hole. The egg was drawn and thought that the box of chocolates was the way the Egg had been made. The only time we made a mistake like that
My favourite Easter memory was watching my grandchildren doing a egg hunt.It gave me such pleasure to see their faces
following and tweeted and entered egg name comp
Have tweeted
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Entered Hotel Chocolat’s Facebook competition to name their new Easter Egg.
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I bought my daughter the Rocky Road last year and I have never seen her face light up so much!! Pity she didn’t share it ;P
::: (_( …*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*
*: (=’ :’) ::::::::: We ♥ Chocolate Eggs : :::::::::::
•.. (,(”)(”)¤…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*…*
My favourite easter memory has to be easter egg rolling down the hill at my aunties house… where she lived the garden was massive and on quite a steep hill, with the river Bollin at the foot. Needless to say a few easter eggs were set sail that day… can’t imagine what people must have thought when they discovered easter eggs floating past!!! Was a great afternoon though and something I will definately do with my boys!
Have entered the Hotel Chocolat competition!
Mine has to be the ritual we do every year, for my 3 girls, and my 12 nieces and nephews. All of us go to my sisters in St Albans, and at the back of her house there is a wonder forrest. The adults then hide the eggs there and watch the children run around like looneys hunting for there eggs.
In the meantime, us me and my sister are decorating some soft eggs,and some hard boiled eggs, the children then take it in turns to crack one on there head, whoever picks the hard egg, receives the grand prize of a very large easter egg!
We’ve been doing this for years, and is always on the calendar.
After all the fun, we all then go off for sunday dinner together.
Have RT’d as @yummymumto2
Tweeting as @Mazzle-RAdazzle on twitter.
Am following on twitter 🙂
My favourite easter memory is one of my first Easter egg hunts in my nana and grandad’s wonderful garden. I was only about 4 or 5 yrs old and I clearly remember the excitement of running around the garden and the happiness and pride evrythime I found an egg. They are now a tradition in my own family , and still give me as much pleasure.
Already entered FB competition x
Already follow on Twitter @daisybeebee
Tweeted link @daisybeebee
My favourite easter memory is my son giving his dummies to the easter bunny and finding lots of eggs hidden the next morning
I tweeted @ali991
My favourite Easter memory is from when I was 4. My Dad took me to our local park which had huge hills to roll my eggs down! I didn’t quite ‘get’ the concept and I held my egg in my hand then basically ‘launched’ myself down the hill!! I was more upset that my chocolate egg was scattered in tiny bits down the hillside than I was by the bruises!
I’ve entered the Hotel Chocolat competition
My favourite easter memory was last year when I created an easter egg treasure hunt for my two girls. I hid eggs around the house and garden and left clues and arrows poining them in the right direction. They were screaming with laughter and worked as a team to ensure that no egg was left hidden. Truly great memory!
Have tweeted @Yorkmum
Favourite easter memory is my grandad dressing up as the easter bunny when we were little. How silly he must’ve felt!
I’ve entered the hotel chocolat comp!
Hi my favourite Easter Memory is my mum bought me The House of Fraser collectors bear every easter .I loved collecting them.
I am @v82chris on twitter
I have entered their fab easter comp and have my fingers crossed.
I follow on twitter from @v82chris
I have tweeted to from @v82chris xx fingers crossed now xx
I have Tweeted @Chaoskay, and I blogged about my favourite easter memory here :O) Basically eating as much chocolate as I could, as fast as I could, lol! I’m following you. Absolutely love Hotel Chocolat!!!
My favourite Easter memories (they have to be plural because they were great every year!) are of when my sister and I were small – simply having Easter egg hunts in the garden. My mum was always so good at hiding things – she’d hide tiny eggs, big eggs, wrapped up sweets, little confectionery treats – and help us along with clever clues. We’d run around like headless chickens, holding little wicker baskets, trying to find the most. It would take the whole morning to find them, and we didn’t even have a big garden!
Looking back now I did, in a funny way, appreciate the spring coming and all the daffodils and the wildlife, even though I wasn’t really old enough to appreciate it directly. It was like a marker for the year to come. It was such a great way to spend time with family – no TV, no arguments (my parents didn’t really get on), and no distractions – I don’t think people really take the time to do things like that enough these days.
At least the afternoon chocolate binge was justified, what with all that running around – nowadays it’s a quick trip to Asda to buy whatever WE want, and a scoff-sesh on the sofa. But it’s the giving that really matters and makes good memories, and of course the family you share these things with. Happy Easter! 🙂
I have entered the Hotel Chocolat competition on Facebook x
I have tweeted ‘Win Giant Hotel Chocolat Ostrich Easter Egg worth £65 @cookingkt‘ from @Robo_Kitten x
I am now following you on Twitter – @Robo_Kitten x
My fav memory was when i was 7 and used to get over 10 easter eggs, me, bro and sis would hide them at the top of the display cabinet, mine is to be in the centre, sis was on the left and my bro was on the right…. after good few weeks my bro would still have a few left but me and my sis polished ours off within a week :S cant help being a chocoholic! hehe
i have entered the Hotel Chocolat competition on Facebook ^_^
My favourite Easter memory is of counting all the chocolate eggs that I received … I had so many, Mum had to get me an old crisp box to carry them all in! I must have been about 9 at the time ….
I am following you on Twitter as @LoveWinning …
i have tweeted in Twitter ^_^
ID: @fpck
ooo and i am following you too x
My favourite Easter memory is when my girls were young and we used to have huge egg hunts around my parents garden. They were so cute running around searching!
I have named the egg on Hotel Chocolat’s FB page 🙂
Have tweeted 🙂
I follow you @BoostieBoo
My earliest Easter memory was making an Easter bonnet at Sunday School when I was about 6 or 7 years old x
I have entered the comp on Hotel Chocolat’s page on Facebook to name their new Easter Egg.
I have tweeted the link to this as follows:
Win Giant Hotel Chocolat Ostrich Easter Egg worth £65 @cookingkt
I am @Melissa _73W
I am following you (@cookingkt) on twitter.. I am @Melissa_73W
My favourite Easter memory is having completed the Easter Egg hunt at Chirk castle
snow started to fall ,huge snowflakes covering everything and everyone in a fresh white blanket. As we drove down the hill away from Chirk Castle the snow faded and the sun came out.We stopped the car to look back and only the castle was covered in snow.Quite bizzare.
I’ve entered the Hotel Chocolat competition
Thank you for such a lovely competition!
My favourite Easter memory is my Mum and Dad getting together and going into the big field next door to our house. They would hide eggs, putting them under leaves or around the fences etc. and then they let my brother and I loose to find them. Neither Mum or Dad are with us any more, but my brother and I carry on the tradition with my 2 nieces.
My favourite Easter moment was when I got a caramac Easter egg wow I loved it and never forgot it.
I am a follower on twitter – debmarl
My favourite Easter memory is of my brothers and sisters makeing our own easter eggs with my nan/mum many many years ago, not chocolate but paper mache ones done around a balloon, and haveing fun decorating them with hand made flowers and ribbons . then filling them later with sweets.
the best memory about easter, is blowing eggs then painting them as a child,
entered facebook competition
following twitter @thecruxy09
have tweeted
I remember Easter Egg hunts organised by local community leaders in the local park. Sadly, they no longer run them.
I have suggested a name for the new Hotel Chocolat egg on their FB page.
I have tweeted a link to the competition @emma1111111
Here’s a link to my tweet:!/emma1111111/status/54611621187817474
For a nonus entry, I already follow @cookingkt
Favourite easter memory is when the whole street did an easter hunt in a playing field. Great community spirit – which you see less often these days. The kids enjoyed themselves thoroughly. 🙂
My favourite easter memory is having an easter egg hunt in a neighbour’s massive garden, then going to the hilly fields at the top of the village to roll boiled eggs down the hills.
Have entered the facebook “guess the egg” competition.
My facebook name is: Iminit To Winit 🙂
Have tweeted (& following) your competition tweet and shortened the URL – my twitter name is @avoidorange 🙂
Im following you on twitter – im @avoidorange 🙂
My favourite Easter memory is painting faces on boiled eggs as a child with my mum, I came up with some weird and wonderful faces, it was a fun time 🙂
I’ve entered the Hotel Chocolat Facebook Easter egg naming competition too
I’ve tweeted a link to the giveaway, quoting the message as mentioned in the instructions above (my twitter username is @nicemovesisla)
I’m following you on twitter now too (my twitter username is @nicemovesisla).
my favourite memory of easter, is always havibg new clothes for easter sunday
my Grandad hiding creme eggs all round the garden when I was little
Have entered Hotel Chocolats competition on Facebook
Am now following you on twitter @Bdonna191
My face Easter memory is going to my nanna’s mobile caravan near Bangor in north Wales. I was about 4 and it was the late 70s. Think brown patterned Walls and orange cushions. One rainy Easter we were there, and I must have had about 14 Easter eggs lined up along the shelf of the caravan. I then proceeded to eat about 11 of them on Easter Sunday, as there was nothing else to do in the rain. I felt pretty sick, and no wonder I was a chubby kid!
My favourite easter memory was when I was 6 and my brother was 5 … he had knealt down on a pin and it snapped in his knee and he had to have an operation because it travelled up his leg. He had an easter bunny that he took everywhere with him…and when he woke up from the anesthetic he doctors had bandaged the bunnys leg as well !! Even though the scar may have faded…the memory of how kind and thoughtful they were will never fade!
I have liked the facebook page and entered the comp to name the egg … how eggciting !!
I have tweeted – fraugretel
My favorite Easter Memory is eating almonds from under chickens whilst I lived in Portugal.
I entered Hotel Chocolat’s on Facebook competition to name their new Easter Egg. 🙂
04.04.10: I hadn’t received a call or text message from my boyfriend all day he wouldn’t answer my calls or reply to me, i had butterflies in my stomach, i cried myself to sleep, then at 6:52 the door rand, i opened the door to find my boyfriend in an Easter bunny outfit and his car boot full of chocolates, he explained that he had been running round to get everything for me and wanted to surprise me that night he proposed to me, i burst into tears of joy and said yes… we’re hoping to get married this summer =)!/imyourlush/status/55703698759892992
I’m Following you on twitter as : @imyourlush
I loved it when we were little & my mum would create little nests for us with tiny fluffy chicks in & lots of tiny chocolate eggs.
My fav easter memory is of my little girl. When she was 3! We mad e a little easter hunt for her in the garden. We explained that we just saw the easter bunny hoping away (her tail like) and that we should go see if she had left us any eggs. My little one said “but i didnt see her” We replyed (having two dogs) “she must of been in a hurry baby and i expect the doggys scared her off a bit”. With that she cried for a min stating she really wanted to see her and it wasn’t fair. (wasn’t interested in finding the eggs we had planted i might add lol) She spent the rest of the day telling the dogs off.
I remember an easter egg hunt in the huge garden of my grandparents’ country house. That was a fabulous garden and it was a hot easter day.
have tweeted @captainsunflow
am following you on twitter @captainsunflow
I don’t have a fave easter memory -YET! It will be this years memory that I plan to have with my partner and our baby boy (he’s 8months) we’re going on an Easter egg hunt (Our first ever!)… really looking forward to it 🙂
my favorite memory was from a group of familys who took a trip to a safari aprk over easter when i was about 7. my dad and my friends dad kept takng the eggs we had already found and re hiding them, it created HOURS of fun!! =D
Have also “liked” hotel chocolat on FB and entered their comp 😀
fave Easter memory is my Dad’s face watching my daughter tackle her first Easter egg
had already liked HC on FB and entered comp
tweeted @essexgirlSE
following you on twitter
my favourite easter moment is when we all get given easter eggs as child on easter day and you prefer the taste of the egg compared to the chocolate bar with it
entered comp on Hotel Chocolat’s page on Facebook!/rotherham30 tweeted number 3
I have entered the Hotel Chocolat Competition!
My favourite memory from Easter is the big Easter Egg Hunt we had at my Godmother’s sister’s house! Is was so fun because she lives on a farm!
My favourite Easter memory is an Easter Egg Hunt in a garden – I must have been 6 or 7 years old, and I ran around as kids do, searching among the flowers, and then something made me look up and in a willow tree, with all the fresh new leaves, was the biggest Easter egg I’d ever seen. And it was mine ‘cos I’d found it!! I yelled and an adult got it down for me, and I took it home and, being an only child, ate it ALL!! Yum!
Have been over to Hotel Chocolat and named the egg!
Now following you on Twitter too!
I’ve entered the competition on Facebook
When I was little my uncle worked for Cadbury’s. I always remember Easter time being wonderful as he was allowed to buy the broken chocolate cheaper. I used to get bags of dented cadburys cream eggs and bashed box of chocolates. I am still addicted to it today at the grand old age of 50. Thanks Uncle Bob the chocolate was fantastic
My favourite Easter memory is of my cousins from Yorkshire coming to stay. They brought chocolate easter eggs with them and I was sooo jealous but also too young to understand that one was for me. So, I sneaked down the stairs after bedtime to have a piece of one. The next thing was I was woken up by my mum with chocolate all over me and my mum going mad! I was made to stay in my bedroom all of Easter. I was only 5.
Watching my nephews three years ago with their baskets overflowing with easter eggs they didn’t realise they could put some down to get more bless!!!
My favourite Easter memory is actually printed on my favourite mug (thanks to Dad, Christmas 2007!). It’s a picture of myself & my little brother at ages 5 & 3, wearing our homemade Easter Bonnets, doing an egg hunt in the back garden! Good times
When I was about 10 years old I can remember having a long tube tube of Suchard mini eggs and they tasted absolutely divine and I thought it was the best chocolate ever! In fact, if I close my eyes I can still taste them now, there was certainly something special about them. I don’t think they are made anymore as I haven’t seen them around but all is not lost as now we have Hotel Chocolat which tastes even better!
I have entered the Hotel Chocolat comp on Facebook
My favorite Easter memory is our family going away camping for the Easter break. We were in a separate tent to my mum and dad and we managed to sneak loads of crisps and sweets into our tent. We had the best midnight feast watching the stars and listening to the cows in the field!!
The excitement of seeing what the Easter Bunny had left. My parents used to set up a treasure trail with an Easter egg in the final hiding place. I now set up a treasure trail for my own children.
I also remember having a lovely book about the Easter Bunny. She got very tired because she had been delivering eggs all night. I loved that book. I don’t know if it’s still in print.
Hello – I’m following too
I remember the Easter I was woken in the middle of the night by rustling and then I saw a mouse dragging a large piece of chocolate egg across my bedroom floor! In the morning I examined my Easter stash to discover little teeth marks all over it. I was so upset that my mum went out and bought me a whole new load of Easter eggs – and a mousetrap!
I have tweeted a link to the giveaway (@Saspidistra)
I’m following @cookingkt on Twitter (@Saspidistra)
I have entered Hotel Chocolat’s FB competition
My favourite memories are of hiding little eggs around the garden with clues for my daughter to find.
We were talking about this only the other day, and funnily enough she says she doesn’t remember any of the organised egg hunts that we took her to – at National Trust places etc etc!
As a kid I loved getting an Easter egg in a mug, and using the mug for my drinks till it got smashed. I think it was looking at the mug which brought back memories of the egg which made it great to drink out of!
Entered the Hotel Chocolat Facebook competition.
Tweeted link @gouldie7
Already following @cookingkt on Twitter @gouldie7
When I was six, my family and I went to stay in a holiday cottage in North Wales for Easter. Mum organised an egg hunt in the garden for my brother and me which was great fun – particularly because we had to negotiate our way to some of the eggs with a couple of sheep which had wandered in from the neighbouring field!
Have entered the FB competition.
Just tweeted – @jaytea
@jaytea now following you on twitter.
Walking into the woods with my mum collecting spring twigs which we would then display in a vase and hand little wooden eggs and bunnies on and surround the table below with fluffy chicks
I have entered Hotel Chocolat’s Competition on facebook
I have tweeted your message @HannahBeadle
I follow @cookingkt on twitter @HannahBeadle
My favourite Easter memory is coming back to the UK from Greece, where we lived at the time and doing an easter egg hunt in the rain – my little sister was so unused to rain she just sat and cried!
I entered the Facebook comp.
My parents used to lay an Easter egg trail in the garden and give us a little map to follow. It was so much fun!
My favourite easter memory is when i was 4 years old, i was at school and we returned to the classroom to find big giant rabbit foot prints all over the floor which led to little chocolate eggs for everyone, sounds rubbish but it was super exciting at the time hehe
Liked the page and Entered the comp on facebook
tweeted @lillyfer85
already following on twitter @lillyfer85
My favourite Easter memory was about 30 years ago when I woke up as a child to see everywhere covered in a thick blanket of snow! Together with over ten large chocolate eggs I had the best Easter ever.
Hiding Easter Eggs in the garden for my nieces and nephews whilst drinking Bellini’s .Then spending quite a LONG TIME trying to remember where the ones they couldn’t find were as I had rather too many!!
tweeted comp details @thestax
My favourite and most memorable Easter was when I was 10 years old and staying with my aunt. I woke in the morning to my aunt yelling at me to get up and out of the house because the chimney was on fire! The firemen came and doused the flames but all my choc eggs were ruined by heat and water. Later my cousin (my aunt’s daughter) and her husband came over with a HUGE Easter egg, she broke it up and we all shared the egg. It was the most eventful and best Easter, ever!
Have entered the Hotel Chocolat Facebook competition
Am now following you on Twitter @thestax
When my son was 3, Easter Bunny left a few wee eggs in the garden, and our son went to collect them in a wee basket he had an egg in earlier in the day. As he pushed an egg in the front, one fell out the back! It kept him going collecting “loads” of eggs for about half an hour before he managed to get them all in together, bless 🙂
Twittered @FranshamLass
Liked and Shared on Facebook x
Following on twitter as @LaurensMum2010
My best Easter memory is hunting for easter eggs, and mum’s roast lamb mmmmm…
My granny use to clean the local church and one Easter she was taking little Easter eggs for Sunday school. We set off using an old pram to take all the odds and ends. A wheel came off and the pram tipped over and everything came out. The trouble was granny lived at the top of a hill and all the eggs went rolling down. I remember chasing down the hill frantically trying to pick up the eggs. It was very funny.
Have entered Hotel Chocolat’s comp on Facebook.
My best Easter memory… I have 3 younger sisters, I love chocolate but none of them are quite so keen. While I was growing up all the extended family used to give us chocolate eggs/bunnies. I remember one year we were given some Lindt bunnies, quite big ones, mine was long gone but the others stood proudly on the kitchen worktop for quite a while after Easter. After a while one of my sisters came to eat her bunny – she picked it up & found that it only had its front left. My Dad who shares my love of chocolate had been eating it little by little, always taking from the back! My sisters were suitably unimpressed but we’ve been teasing my Dad about eating the bunny’s bottom ever since!
I’ve entered the facebook competition
I’ve tweeted @splatky
I’m following you too @splatky
Finding the hidden eggs (entered on FB also)
My favourite easter memory is of an egg hunt when I was about 4, I found lots of eggs but was a bit dissapointed when some of them had my brother and sister’s names on them! Therefore I deserve this one massive egg just for me 🙂 x
My favourite easter memory is when i was around 7 my mum wrote little riddles and hid eggs round the garden and house, each riddle had a clue to the next egg and so on and at the end was one massive egg very well hidden. Kept me entertained for pretty much the whole day, the rest of the day was spent eating the egg.
Liked their facebook page
followed you on twitter @fudgeit20
and sent the tweet. (twice by accident. i’m new to twitter.)
My favourite Easter memory has to be all those years in my childhood when my parents made us home made Easter eggs with our names on and decorated with gorgeous homemade sugared primroses as well as filled with little gifts! Such precious memories for so little money…..
Entered Hotel Chocolat Comp and Liked on FB.
I remember rolling eggs down hills when I was very little, I don’t think it’s done much these days as I mentioned it someone and they looked at me like I was mad 🙁
I’ve entered the Hotel Chocolat competition too 🙂
I must have led a very deprived childhood, I do not remember doing anything special at all for Easter, sorry best I can do
entered comp on FB already (Elaine Livingstone)
tweeted @pooohbear2811
following you on twitter already @pooohbear2811
My Favourite easter memory was making hand decorated eggs with my mum with candle wax lots of glitter and beads and food dyes. I thought they were fabulous at the time…I suspect that may have been my (not so) very critical eight year old eyes…:)
I’ve entered the hotel chocolat competition on facebook and liked their page
We used to dye hard boiled eggs the night before and then we would have an easter egg hunt in the garden the next day.
a combined easter egg and scavinger hunt from when i was a child – you followed the clues and found small eggs along the way leading to the main egg to finish
My best Easter was actually getting Easter Chick’s!
Tikka and Korma are still going strong 4 years later and laying plenty of eggs :0)
Following on Twitter @KrisDelAgua
The excitement of my children on their first ever Easter Egg hunt
I’ve entered the Facebook Competition too
My favourite Easter memories involve me and my sisters making a giant nest for the easter bunny to put our eggs in. I remember thinking how I had never seen so much chocolate!!!
as a youngster, being on holiday at easter, expecting to get just the solitary egg from parents, and then being surprised with various eggs etc which my aunts had passed on to them to give to us.
Thinking up clues for my children to treasure hunt around the house for their easter eggs.
following on Twitter @jaizduck
have tweeted @jaizduck
Have entered the Hotel Chocolat comp
all of them eating easter eggs 🙂 lol love easter!
fave easter memory is my mum buying all the half price eggs after easter haha!!
Entered on Hotel Chocolat
I’ve tweeted @angiehoggett
followed you @angiehoggett
My favourite Easter memory is when my sister and I made some easter baskets from our Richard Scarry ‘Things to do’ book. They took us ages to colour in and cut out and assemble but they were fab and were duly filled with lots of little eggs.
My favourite Easter memory is when I was 8 I stayed with my cousins and my aut did a Easter egg hunt for us, I had never done it before and was so excited. I have liked your Facebook page, follwed you on Twitter and tweeted xx
Have entered the Hotel Chocolat competition
Have tweeted @FlorrieFloyd
Have followed you on Twitter @FlorrieFloyd
The one Easter memory which sticks out for me is when i was about 10 (one or 2 years ago!) and my dad decided we would go out for the day on Easter Monday (he would never normally travel on a bank holiday). We went to Whipsnade wildlife park and all the way there the weather turned bad and was cold and snowing, by the time we got to the park there was quite a ground covering but dad was determined we would see the animals and we spent the next 5 hours looking at empty pens and trying to spot the wildlife who were keeping warm in their night boxes. Its the only time i have been to a zoo and not seen any animals!
Favourite memory was when I was terribly young, on a holiday in a caravan with my mum, brother, nan and great aunt. My brother and I went on a mini easter hunt, and we ended up winning some chocolate for taking part. Nothing much, but we didn’t get many holidays, and this one stuck with me!
Entered on Facebook!
Tweeted as @MadameDuckFace
And I’m following on twitter!
my best memories are when me and my sisters were children and we waited patiently for our parents to hand us our easter eggs, special memories that will keep with me for ever
entered on facebook
My favourite memory is bottle feeding newborn lambs on the farm at Easter.
I’ve tweeted your competiton message. My Twitter name is @Ianthesunlover
I’m following your fab Twitter page @cookingkt on Twitter.
What a whopper! I couldnt eat that in one go but would give it a go! lol I am following on Facebook and Twitter @johnmadmead
My fave easter memory is one when I was about 10, I spent the whole easter weekend with my Mum and sister eating chocolate, going to an easter festival and watching King of Kings on tv for the first time
I’m following you on Twitter already and have tweeted about your comp 🙂
My favourite memory is of emptying the contents of chicken eggs and decorating them with my Mum and sisters
My favourite Easter memory is an easter egg hunt in my Nan’s garden, which was really big. All the family were there.
I have entered Hotel Chocolat’s Facebook competition
I have tweeted your competition with a link, @rachelscomps, link here:!/rachelscomps/status/58924301516161025
I am following you on twitter, my account is @rachelscomps
Trips to theme parks with my old school friends
Lazy sunny Easters in Cornwall walking the coast path by day, pub by night.
Entered competition
Tweeted @ericahughes
Following you on twitter @ericahughes
Fav memory 15 or so years ago when me and my sister were kids and my nan did an easter egg hunt in the garden! It was amazing!!
FB HC liked and entered and following you on twitter
my memories are my nanas living room filled with daffodils from her garden, and a beautiful easter tea with her homemade easter cake with little chocolate eggs on top and cute yellow chicks and the gorgeous days of sunshine and fresh air oh happy days””
My favourite Easter memory is winning the ‘Easter bonnet’ competition at primary school. I still remember what the hat looke like. It was far too big for my head so had to have newspaper packed in it so it wouldn’t slipped down and cover my eyes.
Have already entered the Facebook comp :0)
i always used to get a kinder suprise egg and they were the best