I was really chuffed and very surprised to receive some nominations in the MADS 2011 mum and dad blogging awards, in a couple of categories.
- Best MAD Food Blog
- Best MAD Family Life Blog
I need YOUR help though as only the top five bloggers in each category get through to the the judging panel.
So if you haven’t already nominated you can do so on the nomination page. It doesn’t take long, you don’t need to spend ages filling out forms or registering, you don’t even have to vote in all the categories.
I’ve been blogging for almost a year now and have been working really hard to come up with family-friendly recipes to make everyone’s meal times a little less stressful, so if you like what i’ve been doing I’d be really touched if you voted for me.
Congratulations! That really is an achievement. I dont have a family yet, but really enjoy your blog – you have my vote!
Thanks Bea that’s really kind 🙂
Well done to be nominated! I’ve voted for you.
Thanks mum! Spread the word…
Tis done my dear xx