I’ve been tagged by top blogger Sarah at Maison Cupcake to answer some questions about myself and also to show a photograph of the inside of my fridge…
I have to say I normally don’t get around to doing memes but I liked the sound of this challenge, so here goes:
I have to admit I did a bit of a quick tidy and reshuffle before taking this picture. It’s quite empty by my standards, the online shop arrived an hour later but you can’t see a thing once it’s all crammed in!
I’ve also taken a picture of my meat drawer as it’s bursting with farmer’s market goodies… I’m trying to buy as little supermarket meat as possible and am increasingly stocking up on the wonderful locally produced specimens here. These pork and thyme sausages are the BEST sausages I have ever had.
Some people might find it a bit weird putting a photo of their fridge contents on a blog, but I’m supremely nosy and think it’s a great idea!
So onto the Q&A…
Which living person do you most admire, and why?
Doris Day – her voice, her style, her cheesy film career, her vulnerability and her compassion.
When were you happiest?
My husband told me he thinks I’m a fundamentally happy person at the weekend which kind of took me by surprise but certainly made me feel good! My happiest moments are when i’m with my boys, the sun is shining and we’re all having a giggle not doing much at all but playing around.
What was your most embarrassing moment?
I’m such a walking calamity there are many many moments. Probably the most mortifying was age 11 turning up for a ballet show rehearsal in full costume when everyone else was in normal dance gear. Doesn’t sound that bad? Those girls were MEAN!
Aside from property, what’s the most expensive thing you’ve bought?
I have to cast my mind a long way back for this question as we’re on an extreme budget these days. I think it was probably my beloved brand new shiny black VW Golf which we sold to buy a more sensible estate car once the kids came along.
What is your most treasured possession?
A huge painting of a vintage car on the streets of Havana that we bought back from a holiday in Cuba.
Where would you like to live?
I love where I live in West London, but if we had to move I’d choose the stunning coastal town of Tynemouth in a beautiful Victorian townhouse.
What’s your favourite smell?
Roast chicken in the oven makes our house smell AMAZING for the rest of the day!
Who would play you in the film of your life?
I’ve always felt an affinity for Kate Winslet, but my closest friends would tell you Penelope Keith is a more accurate match. It’s a sore point.
What is your favourite book?
The Beautiful and the Damned by F Scott Fitzgerald. I read it at school when I was obsessed with 1920s America and it’s never been matched since.
What is your most unappealing habit?
Those nachos you get at the cinema with that smelly plastic cheese… with a bit of pick and mix on the side! Filthy filthy habit from someone claiming to be a foodie!
What would be your fancy dress costume of choice?
I’d like to dress up like Joan from Mad Men… she always look incredible!
What is your earliest memory?
I can remember being a toddler and thinking it was a good idea to pick bees off the flowers in our back garden. It didn’t end well!
What is your guiltiest pleasure?
The Only Way Is Essex
What do you owe your parents?
My work ethic and sensible attitude to money. I’ve always been a grafter. As a kid I always had some kind of part-time job on the go – paper round, Avon Lady, serving fish and chips, working in a pub, delivering yellow pages, manning the tills at the corner shop, secretarial stuff – you name it really! If you wanted something you had to earn it yourself and save up! I definitely want to teach my kids the same thing.
To whom would you most like to say sorry, and why?
I’ve drawn a blank on this one.
What or who is the greatest love of your life?
My boys (that includes my husband)
What does love feel like?
Eating fresh jam doughnuts
What was the best kiss of your life?
On a first date with my husband – electric.
Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
“It’s not time to get up yet boys”
“Can I have my phone back””I can’t keep my eyes open”
What is the worst job you’ve done?
Garlic Bread factory – I was temping on my gap year and had to put pats of garlic butter into french sticks as they whizzed past on a conveyer belt. We were working in a big fridge so it was pretty miserable. I also couldn’t keep up with the pace – when I was given the task of stacking all the completed baguettes at the end of the production line, it was like some kind of bad Frank Spencer sketch with me being gradually buried alive under a pile of garlic bread. Awful. I lasted a week.
If you could edit your past, what would you change?
I wouldn’t change a thing, difficult times make us who we are and hopefully wiser.
What is the closest you’ve come to death?
Unfortunately pretty close. I suffered a ruptured ectopic pregnancy in 2008 and ended up in intensive care.
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Producing two gorgeous healthy baby boys and having the guts to go freelance.
When did you last cry, and why?
At the weekend because I’m worried about how long we’ve got long left with my dog Lily who has cancer – I’ll miss her terribly when she’s gone.
How do you relax?
Cooking of course! Watching Glee with a cup of coffee also rates highly.
What single thing would improve the quality of your life?
Free childcare on tap…
What is the most important lesson life has taught you?
That you’re responsible for your own happiness and it’s up to you to go out there and get what you want from life – people aren’t going to do it for you.
The five bloggers I’m passing this on to need to show their fridges to the world!
Fishfingers for Tea
Crumbs Feed Your Family
Baking Obsessively
Spoons ‘n’ Spades
Cheese, Crackers and Chilli
Yes must admit have loved having a nose round other people fridges, but no I didnt tidy mine in any respect what so ever, what you saw was what I have but wonder is it just an example of my couldn’t care less attitude or just laziness ?
My reason for commenting is I see you have your eggs in the fridge, I keep mine in the cupboard.
I’ve always kept my eggs in the fridge, don’t have space anywhere else! Wish I had an old fashioned pantry…
Ahhh this is brilliant. What a super gorgeous person you are. And definitely sooo much more Kate Winslet than Penelope Keith!
Love the idea about farmers markets meat – great idea, am going to do that to. See, you can add inspirational to your list of attributes too! xx
teehee fanks Sharron 🙂
Thanks for the tag lovely, I think! I’ve seen this going around and wondered if it would come my way. Have to say I don’t normally do meme’s but I’m loving this one, mainly because I’m so nosey!
I had to laugh at the garlic bread factory job! My answer will be pretty much the same but in a cheese factory. And Penelope Keith?!?! No way! Kate Winslet all the way 😀
hehe thanks Sian – yes the garlic bread factory scarred me for life 😉 Looking forward to reading yours…
ROFL at the garlic bread job. Mind you, I can think of much worse things to be buried under, lol! Will do my tag tomorrow, brace yourself ;-))
Looking forward to it!!!
Thanks for the tag, I love this post, such fun, so am looking forward to doing mine… just as soon as I can get my fridge tidied up a bit!
PS sending a big hug to Lily xo
Thanks for the lily hug – will pass it on 🙂
That brought back memories, especially the smell of your trainers when you came home from the bakery! I also remember delivering yellow pages when my shopping trolley gave up!