Living in a house full to the brim of boys, I had no option but to indulge in the fairytale world of Royal Wedding mania elsewhere.
It felt like the 1950s cycling through the deserted roads of leafy Ealing with my cakebox and cassis. The only signs of life were little girls dressed as princesses, and excited people setting up for their street party.
Fellow mum of boys Tara managed to get her pack of lads to clear out of the house for a few hours so we could weld ourselves to their sofa to watch the coverage, nourished with Kir Royales, Smoked Salmon and cake.
I knocked up some victoria sponges, spread each cake with a layer of raspberry jam, piped rosettes of extra thick double cream mixed with a little vanilla and icing sugar and finished with raspberries and blueberries. Red, white and blue!
We knocked back the fizz, wept buckets, reminisced about our own weddings and scoured twitter for the wittiest comments.
After the balcony kisses and flyover I jumped back on my bike and wobbled back to the land of testosterone and found the boys happily engaged with Lego Star Wars battles on the rug, blissfully unaware of the pomp and circumstance only a few miles up the road.
The cup cakes look very patriotic and tempting. Might do something similar later today. I watched the wedding all on my own and had a lovely wallow in nostalgia too. R said the village was absolutely deserted and everywhere really quiet – apart from him strimming grass!!!
So nice to lose yourself in a fairytale sometimes!
Sounds like a fab morning!! I banished mine to the x-box for some of the time and had a little cry then they came in with “mmmuuuummmm why are you crying!! – this is why you cant come to the quiz semi-finals!!” lol
Lol! It doesn’t take much to make me weep either… Walking mush!
Glad you enjoyed the wedding, your cakes were very patriotic, I wore red, white and blue and had a flower arrangement of the same colours in the hall! Strange coincidence, I had a small vase of lily of the valley on my table! What a super day!
The only thing missing for me on the day was your commentary on the TV coverage – that would have really made it!