There’s been a lot of progress since I last updated you in May. This is largely down to the in-laws visiting and lending a huge hand with proceedings.
The skip-shed
Matthew’s wanted a shed on the plot for ages and after much umming and ahing about which one to get, he and his dad built one from scratch, using wood recovered from skips!
Talk about resourceful. They were obsessed for a short while with driving around the area eyeing up people’s skip contents – they were like pigs in proverbial. And out of rubbish arose our shed, or skip-shed as it’s been christened.
It’s so sturdy and even has a window!
Fruit Cage
The fruit cage has also been erected, it just needs a door. Inside we have raspberries (although these haven’t faired too well) strawberries
and redcurrants.
I got a blackcurrant bush from the school summer fair so that’ll be going in next – home made ribena anyone?!
Harvest time
The sunshine and showers have given everything a huge growth spurt. The weeds have been going crazy, so that’s taken a bit of work.
We pulled our first fat beetroot, unearthed the early potatoes which were literally erupting out of the soil, and have continued to enjoy the spinach and lettuce.
I filled a huge bucket with my first pickings and felt very proud bringing it home.
Everything else is coming on in leaps and bounds. The sweetcorn are really going for it, as are the peas.
The courgettes and runner beans have all popped up and the tomatoes and peppers in the greenhouse are showing the beginnings of fruit.
The only thing that’s not fared so well are the purple sprouting broccoli, which looks like something’s had a good old munch on it.
We need to get it netted up better as it’s a bit haphazard.
So we’re now enjoying the delicious taste of fresh potatoes – really there’s nothing like it. So creamy in texture and blimmin’ gorgeous in a potato salad.
The beetroot have been earmarked for brownies for our weekend camping trip – loving the chocolate beetroot thing!
wow amazing how much further on yours are than mine, mine look pathetic in comparison, apart from my potatoes that are flowering and the lettuce that are yummy, everything else is months away from producing veg.
well done on the shed, yes we skip prucked for walk boards for the garden and other bits, waste not want not as they say
It’s been really warm down here so the veg has really come on so quickly… yes skip watching is definitely my husband’s newest obsession – it’s amazing what people get rid of!
You are absolutely putting me to shame, my poor allotment is still looking very sparse because we just haven’t had time to spend on it. Next year will be a lot better! All our cauliflowers got eaten by rabbits. At least the spuds are doing well. The shed looks fantastic, I’m so impressed it’s made out of salvaged wood!
The allotment has been like therapy this year, so it’s had a lot of attention! Lucky rabbits getting such a feast – that must be infuriating!
Skip shed looks the real allotment deal, and the rows of veg look briliant! I shall have to look to my laurals!!
oxo Dad
you’ll have to come down and have a G&T in the shed 😉
Wow!!!! That looks good, I’m glad my name for the shed has stuck!!It all looks very professional and the produce first class. Do you have an allotment holders show?
hehe I don’t think there is a show unfortunately….