I’m a little partial to a glass of wine – but as for knowing which wine to buy I’m not very brave. I stick to what i’ve had before, friends’ recommendations plus the rather marvellous blog Knackered Mothers’ Wine Club for a bit of inspiration.
I do know how I like wine to taste though, so I was really pleased to hear that Australian brand McGuigan Wines are re-launching their classic range here in the UK with new labels designed to make shopping for vino a bit simpler.
For all seven types of wine in the Classic range there are three key words on the label that describe the style, texture and fruit notes within the bottle so you can very quickly figure out at a glance, if it’s the wine for you or not.
You can also check out these fun tasting notes…
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0-DCU7RTl0?rel=0&w=560&h=315]
McGuigan Classic Wines are available at selected retailers including Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Majestic and Co-Op with prices starting from £6.99 (RRP)
However – if you fancy winning a mixed case of the Classic range then you’re in the right place coz I’m sneaking another giveaway in before Christmas 🙂
To win a mixed case of McGuigan Wines in time for Christmas:
There is one main way to enter and several ways to get bonus entries. You must leave a separate comment for each bonus entry otherwise they will not be counted.
1. Mandatory. Leave a comment below telling me what your favourite type of wine is.
2. For a second chance to win tweet a link to this giveaway as follows: Win case of McGuigan Wines for Christmas @cookingkt http://wp.me/pU5T8-14q #win #prize
Then leave a second comment saying you’ve done so telling me your Twitter ID.
3. Follow me @cookingkt on Twitter and comment to tell me you have done so.
4. And finally you can get another bonus entry by liking the Feeding Boys and a Firefighter page on Facebook too, not forgetting to head back here and comment to tell me you have done so.
Good Luck!
This giveaway is open to all readers over 18 with a UK postal address. The winner will be chosen using an online randomiser and announced in a subsequent post.
I am running this competition on behalf of McGuigan Wines who will be sending the prize out to the lucky winner. Their decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
For facts about drinking responsibly this Christmas please visit http://www.drinkaware.co.uk/
My favourite wine is a Zinfandel.
Tonight, my favourite wine has become a Chablis
I’ve tweeted the link. I’m @dangermouse3597
I have tweeted as @ZoshJosh
I’m following you on twitter. @dangermouse3597
I am following you Kate (@ZoshJosh)
Its got to be a cheeky Prosecco 🙂
I already like you on Facebook too
My favourite is red, Merlot, preferably from Chile or France.
Tweeted! @pandcands
I follow yout on Twitter @pandcands.
I like the Feeding Boys and a Firefighter page on Facebook.
white wine
Burgundy or Bordeaux (or even Alsace), but preferentially French as I feel it has more of a “science” to it
liked you on facebook
I’m afraid I have no idea what it’s called, because I only drink it at my mum and dads house but it’s red and really fruity and sweet!
I have tweeted – @bloomingfox
I am following you on Twitter – @bloomingfox
I like you on Facebook – Kirsty Fox
Gluhwein in winter, and Swiss Chardonne in Summer
My favourite wine is a good Rose as it is wholesome, nutritious and tastes quite delicious
A cheeky Merlot. I don’t care what ‘Sideways’ says.
I don’t have a single favourite – it depends on my mood, my meal and the weather, although if you meet me in Majestic Wine I will be mostly hovering around the reds from Argentina and Chile and the New Zealand Sauvignon Blancs.
I have tweeted @janesgrapevine
I’m following you on Twitter @janesgrapevine
I like your Facebook page Jane Willis
has to be either a pinot grigio or a chardonnay for me – depends on my mood lol 🙂
Tweeted @bexjones1976
added your page on facebook (ade n bex jones) and following you on twitter (@bexjones1976) xxx
My favourite wine is Cherry Lambrini…. that’s pretty immature right? Ah well, I like it 😀
I have tweeted @Laura_Cookies
I follow you on twitter too 🙂 @Laura_Cookies
And I already liked you on facebook – Laura Carrol
Thanks for the giveaway! x
Tweeted as @ClaireSmith25
Already follow you as @ClaireSmith25
Like you on Facebook asClaire M.Smith
My favourite at the moment is Merlot. It has taken me years to get into reds!
I have tweeted ,@UtterlyBumpty, too.
I already follow you on Twitter, @UtterlyBumpty.
And I already follow you on Facebook. Many thanks and kind regards.
My Favourite wine is Rose
following @susiemcd1
tweeted @susiemcd1
following on facebook
a dryish rose with soda and ice
Depends on the food, etc., but have a soft spot for Casillero del Diablo Cabernet Sauvignon (a Chilean red). Am a big fan of the fuller bodied New World wines.
A full bodied Shiraz.
I like most white wines
Tweeted – @clairew137
Follow me @cookingkt on Twitter and comment to tell me you have done so.
done – @clairew137
4. And finally you can get another bonus entry by liking the Feeding Boys and a Firefighter page on Facebook too, not forgetting to head back here and comment to tell me you have done so – done as clairewoods32@yahoo.co.uk
My favourite is New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc.
I have tweeted @RedRoseMummy
I follow you on Twitter @RedRoseMummy
I like you on FB (as Pippa Ainsworth)
Rose preferably sparkling is my favourite
Have Tweeted @Bdonna191
already following you @Bdonna191
I like a crisp white wine
I’m not very good with wines. I only like a sweet/medium sweet or a non alcoholic wine. But definately not red wine
Have tweeted the link
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A nice chilled chardonnay.
My favourite is PInk fizz!
My favourite wine is a New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc
I love a nice deep burgandy
Hardy’s Crest, yum yum
Tweeted too
I love Rhone wines.
Following you via Twitter
Have tweeted @halkerstone
Following you via FB – Boo Roo and Tigger Too
I have tweeted @annieanna24
I am following you on twitter @annieanna24
I have liked your facebook page – Anna Aird
It is honestly McGuigan. We stayed on the vineyard for a couple of nights on honeymoon in Australia in 2002. Have bought it ever since! It’s “our” wine
Have followed you on twitter (@judyyorke)
Anything rose…. and right now only mulled wine will do!
sauvignon blanc is my favourite 🙂
Pinot Grigio
Sauvignon Blanc
My favourite is red merlot… great for drinkin and also for cooking!Azra
Already a fan on facebook
following on twitter!
I love a New World Sauvignon Blanc. Big fan of McGuigan wines too. Especially like their lower alcohol red (9%)
I love all wine apart from Red wine which is a bit too rich for me!
However, if I had to chose one favourite wine in particular it would be a sparkling Rose.
I’ve tweeted as @cocktail_koala.
Tweet url here: https://twitter.com/#!/Cocktail_koala/status/144835974642405376
I’m following on twitter as @cocktail_koala
My favourite wine is a chilled glass of good quality Sauvignon Blanc 🙂
I’ve tweeted the competition message as @LoveWinning
I’m following @cookingkt on Twitter as @LoveWinning
I’m following Feeding Boys & A Firefighter on facebook (as Francesca Light-Wilson)
I’m partial to Jacob’s Creek Grenache Shiraz myself!
Tweeted competition message @luckygoldcat
Following on Twitter @luckygoldcat
Facebook liked – Michelle Grundy 🙂
Claret. Older the better!
I like anything white by Jacob’s Creek or Ernest & Julio Gallo.
Tweeted the message @Isis1981uk
Following you on Twitter @Isis1981uk
Liked you on Facebook.
I’m a fan of merlot
I love a New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc. Red wines, my favourites are Spanish Old Vines Garnacha and Australian Shiraz
Have tweeted the link @twydalldee
I follow you on twitter – @twydalldee
I like you r facebook page – Jan Beal
Chilean Merlot!
A nicely chilled chardonay
have tweeted @gumbie23
@cookingkt following you on twitter @gumbie23
liking feeding boys+ a firefighter on faceboom
I love Riojas!
My favourite wine is gewurztraminer, love spicy food, especially Thai and its great with it.
tweeted link as mawhittaker
following on twitter as mawhittaker
I am the 470th liker of Feeding boys and a firefighter. xx
My favourite wine depends on why I am drinking it but if I had to only ever drink one wine I think I would choose a rioja.
I have tweeted as @auroradreaming
I already follow you on twitter as @auroradreaming
I already like your great facebook page!
Oh mu taste have changed as I have got older when from white to red and it has to be a heavy red deep and fruity Winemakeer seal is my favorite at the moment
Tweeted @potplant113
Rose; white zinfandel
I do love a Shiraz
Rose wine at the minute
I love Chianti – sweet, mild and goes with pizza!
I’ve tweeted as @Bunnysideup
a smooth red
White Zinfandel. I could drink it all night (and all day!)
Have tweeted. @desbrownllaneza
Already a follower on twitter.
Already a facebook liker
Dessiree Brown Llaneza
I like Claret
Have Tweeted@theorecle
Following @cookingkt on Twitter @theorecle
liked the Feeding Boys and a Firefighter page on Facebook
david cavender
When I do have the odd glass of wine I like a medium-dry or dry white wine like a Pinot Blanc
Have tweeted with @phyllgerry
Already following on twitter with @phyllgerry
Already like on facebook with ID Phyllis Ellett
Just been introduced to Malbec recently and I really like it. @01592_katie
I have tweeted @01592_katie
already following @cookingkt on twitter @01592_katie
Already following on Facebook Kate Cunningham @01592_katie
I have retweeted as @vennerjoolz, liked the facebook page and my favourite wine is Shiraz. Merry Christmas!
White Zinfandel is my favourite
I have liked you on Facebook
My favourite wine is a Zinfandel.
Win case of McGuigan Wines for Christmas @cookingkt http://wp.me/pU5T8-14q #win #prize
Tweeted as Annabel Lee
Liked as Annabel Lee
Win case of McGuigan Wines for Christmas @cookingkt http://wp.me/pU5T8-14q #win #prize
Sorry correction tweeted as @12kazuko12
a bottle of Asti chilled
Prosecco for me
A crisp white Rioja in the summer and a warming red Rioja in the Winter
Tweeted! – @manicmuriel
Following on Twitter – @manicmuriel
Liking you on FB – @manicmuriel
WHoops got carried away – FB = Emma Johnson!
Pinot Grigio
Mateus sparkling rose x
I love Sancerre!!!
Any Rose
i love rose
following on twitter and have tweeted
im a liker on facebook
Pretty much any white or rose sparkling wine – obviously Champagne as a first choice but due to cost restrictions, Cava, dry, cold and beautiful flutes will do!
I like a dry white so Pinot Grigio is my fave at the moment.
I love rose presecco!
Favourite red is Pinot Noir and we’ve just discovered Albarino which is now our favourite white, taking over from Viognier
Pinot Grigio!!!!
Following and tweeted @noconawolsk
My favourite wine is shiraz.
Have tweeted @captainsunflow
Am following you on twitter @captainsunflow
My favourite wine is Cabernet Sauvignon.
I have tweeted on twitter @green_day87 http://twitter.com/#!/Green_Day87/status/148497094703976449
I am following you on twitter @green_day87
I’m fond of German wines
Have tweeted. @jaizduck
Followed you on Twitter. @jaizduck
I enjoy Piersporter – but i haven’t actually seen any for ages
I have tweeted
Am already following you @sheridarby
And I like you on facebook
I love any sweet wine, white or red.
my favourite is merlot, I always look for McGuigans first as it is our favourite, but it is often not available. Then i check for the next best Merlot on ‘special’
love pinot grigio 🙂
italian pinot grigio
My favourite wine is Lambrini 🙂
I have tweeted @Laura_Cookies
I already follow you on twitter @Laura_Cookies
I like the facebook page as Laura Carrol 🙂
Oops I’m so sorry – just noticed I already entered on one of my previous visits! Doh! Sorry about that – my memory’s useless! Ah well you have an extra tweet now 😀
Prosecco and ifmI’m feeling posh ad a few raspberries to the glass
Has to be Merlot for me
My favourite is Australian Shiraz
Got to say mine is a nice chilled Rose, usually Gallio
tweeted competition link @jacknutter1969
sauvignon blanc
My favourite wine is a Zinfandel.
i am already a liker of your facebook page
red white or rose medium to sweet
Red and French – beaujolas, burgundy or bordeaux
Tweeted @ericahughes
Following you on twitter @ericahughes
Liked on fb
A good Chilean Merlot 🙂
liked the website
I like full bodied red wines
Have tweeted @boo1003
already following @cookingkt (@boo1003)
already like you on FB (mary chez)
Love a wide range of wine, tonights tipple is a middle of the road Rose, if I am drinking on my own like like a nice white, and if I am sharing with my wife we like a hearty red…..
Tweet sent tonight @Tommy139
@Tommy139 has just followed @cookingkt on Twitter
i like a nice white wine, a sauvignon blanc always goes down a treat 🙂 @piperanddaisy
Have tweeted @piperanddaisy
already follow on Twitter as @piperanddaisy
Already a facebook fan as sue willshee @piperanddaisy
My favourite wine is White Zinfandel – yummy!
Tweeted @LindyHine
Following @cookingkt on Twitter @LindyHine
Already liking you on FB
I’m a Lambrini girl 🙂 After all, I am from Essex x
tweeted @essexgirlSE
already following you on twitter @essexgirlSE
already liking on FB Carol P
I like lots of wine but find I most often enjoy pinot grigio.
Favourite is Zinfandal!
I’ve tweeted @Jenni000
I’ve followed @Jenni000