Sponsored giveaway
These GIANT Easter eggs from Hotel Chocolat really are massive and very very thick – impressive stuff.
They’re £70 but it feels like you’re getting your money’s worth with so much chocolate, not to mention the gorgeous box and wrapping. It’s makes a very special gift if you’ve got someone you want to splash out on this Easter.
I was lucky enough to try one last year, and Matthew and I had great fun working our way through the box of treats.
Here’s what HC say about it:
With both enormous shells cast in our classically creamy 40% milk chocolate, studded with cookie pieces, crispy puffed rice and chunks of white chocolate. Served with an absolutely irresistible collection of 21 of our most sought after, dreamy chocolate recipes. Including soft caramels, velvety smooth pralines, silky gianduja truffles and much, much more. Includes an extra 6 praline-filled Golden Eggs to find hidden inside too!
If you’d like to win one, then read on my friends, as I’ve got one to give away!
I’ve also got a very nice runner’s up prize…
The You Crack Me Up Extra Thick Easter Egg worth £26
An irrepressibly upbeat egg cast in 40% milk chocolate and bursting with our cheeriest chocolates, from smiley face pralines and happy chicks to classic Easter bunnies – Includes 12 chocolate brownies, cookie pralines, chocolate fried eggs, solid chocolate bunnies and chicks cast in milk and caramel chocolate and more.
I love the cute little characters and egg and chips!
So if you fancy one of these gorgeous eggs then here’s what you’ve got to do.
- Fill in the Rafflecopter widget below to verify your entries
- Entries can be via blog comment, Facebook, Twitter etc
- Please read the rules below
- Closing date 12:01am 2nd April 2012 EST
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- Rafflecopter will tweet, like and follow on your behalf making it really easy to enter!
- For information on how to find the url of your tweet click here
- Really want to win the prize? Come back every day for bonus entries via Twitter
Terms and Conditions
- This giveaway is open to all readers over 18 with a postal address in the UK.
- The winners will be chosen via Rafflecopter using an online randomiser and announced in a subsequent post.
- I am running this competition on behalf of Hotel Chocolat who will be sending the prizes out to the lucky winners. Their decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
- They reserve the right to substitute the prize for one of a similar type / value if the prize above is not available.
- The winners will be contacted by e-mail, if they do not reply within 2 days another winner may be chosen to ensure delivery in time for Easter.
- Instructions form part of the terms and conditions
- Entries using any software or automated process to make bulk entries will be disqualified.
- No cheating please! I will check the winning entry to see that you have commented / tweeted / subscribed etc.
- There is one main way to enter and several ways to get bonus entries, including bonus daily entries. Follow the instructions in the form above.
- If you already like / follow comment in the rafflecopter widget then let me know to get your entries.
I have a terrrrrrible sweet tooth, the run up to Easter period is always a killer seeing all the eggs on shelves. You can normally guarantee I’ve eaten at least on egg prior to Easter!
I absolutely love chocolate, I have to have an enormous amoutn of willpower not to eat chocolate everyday, if it wasn’t so fattening I would, but I find it extremely difficult to ignore if we have chocolate in the house! I confess to being a complete chocaholic! Those easter eggs look divine by the way, not sure I could wait until easter! thanks for the fab competition!
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I am a big chocoholic but i do try to keep my indulgence to a limit. Doesn’t always work though
I try to be reserved, but do have a secret stash of “emergency” chocolate hidden in the house (mister is even worse than me!)
Ive never met a chocolate I didnt like………Its just so tasty!!!
I am good – I eat chocolate when it is offered but I don’t crave it or eat it regularly! I like it that way though because when I do get chocolate bought for me it is a REAL INDULGENT TREAT!
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no chocolate is safe in our house.. from Christmas tree decs to childrens’ easter eggs.. this mummy has no shame!
subscribed via feed demon.. for the first time.. this could be fun.. your details went straight to my utlook account!!! not sure how!!! but it has
I like chocolate but have to administer self control with it. I have only just finished off the little bars from my Christmas selection box as I try to save it when I really need it.
I eat my Easter Eggs bit by bit so if I won this it should last me for ages :o)
I went through this stage of “oh I’m more of a savoury person” but now my chocoholicsm is back in full swing. Telling signs? I have a sneaky stash that my hubby doesn’t know about :S
I’m following you through Google Reader 🙂
I adore chocolate – without a doubt the best time to indulge is with a cup of tea in bed first thing in the morning whilst browsing my favourite blogs! (This is a weekend only activity, I promise!) x
It’s my one weakness 🙂
I’m following the blog via Google Reader 🙂
What a great looking Easter Egg.
We never have chocolate in the house….. Mainly because I’ve eaten it all
On a scale of 1 to 10 … about 15 🙂 It has to be Hotel Chocolat … simpy THE best choc there is!
My name is Kelly and I am a chocoholic!
This Easter treat looks soooo lush. I could easily never eat another sweet, but chocolate I could never give up!
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I’m a big chocoholic but I have expensive tastes as far as chocolate is concerned! I spend too much money in Hotel Chocolat 🙂
I just love chocolate. I am going away a big group from my family just after Easter and this would be great to shared with them x
I’m a raging chocoholic! My MIL fetched some eggs round for the girls on Sunday. I ate one on Sunday night. I replaced it on Monday. I ate the replacement on Monday night. I haven’t replaced it agian (yet!) 😛
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I’m a chocaholic but trying to stay away as I’m terrible once I get started!
I would bath in chocolate if i could
chocoholic here
I know this sounds a little FLAKEy, but the other day I went into town on a DOUBLE-DECKER to treat myself and give me a bit of a BOOST. I felt like a right SMARTIE-pants, SNICKERing at others with their healthy grub! I REVEL-led in the sweetie aisle! A little old lady with her pet YORKIE stopped me to me if I was ok! ‘Yes!’ I WHISPER, and hoping I hadn’t RUFFLE’d her feathers I left, feeling overcome with the need to CHOMP my way through my stash of goodies!
Getting home, I finally NESTLE’d down, I had the major MUNCHIES and without rhyme or RIESON, I ROLO-ver to enjoy my chocks, all on my TOBLER-own.
I have a fair amount of self control about how often I eat chocolate. I don’t eat it very often but when I do open a new box it never lasts very long.
I wish I could bath in chocolate, and then lick myself (ooh errr that sounds wrong!) 😀 x
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I try to satisfy my cravings by eating less but good quality chocolate
100% chocaholic!
sadly I’m on a diet at the moment so no chocolate allowed but I’d love to win this for my lovely best friend
I love chocolate but unfortunately my teenage son is even worse and can always sniff out any chocolate I’ve hidden away
Chocolate is very much a staple of my diet!
Absolutely love chocolate from Hotel Chocolat. I’m a total chocaholic and if I won I’d share with my hubby who has given up chocolate for Lent!
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I’m a chocolate addict so I’d love to win this ( if my family would let me have any once they have eaten their share!)
Completely utterly and totally <3
Wow very impressive, I would be thrilled to win so would my children
Following through Google Reader 🙂 x
I love all types of chocolate…. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
meant to say im totally addicted to chocolate those eggs are chocolate heaven
I am a massive chocolate addict
i absolutely love chocolate- i have a sweet tooth!
I totally love chocolate although my waistline isn’t that keen! Would be lovely to have my own stash instead of having to share with my boys!
For this sucker, I’d live on chocolate.
I love chocolate, my family used to call me the chocolate monster when i was a kid hehe, my partner likes chocolate too so of course I will share with him.
Hardly have chocolate nowadays but when I do it has to be good quality stuff and usually a special occasion I remember it fondly then and it has little effect on my waistline!
I’m a serious chocoholic, I would have choccy for breakfast lunch and dinner if i could
I’m a registered chocoholic – I have stashes everywhere for when I need a fix
I love it all, milk, dark, white I must have it all!
I cannot go for a day without some sort of chocolate, whether its a biscuit , chocolate bar or a cake. Im one true chocoholic x
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l like milk chocolate
A massive one 🙂
I’m a total chocoholic! They say it’s not addictive, but I disagree … once I’ve started, I have to finish it!
I luv chocolate especially with my afternoon cuppa
I eat chocolate everyday. There’s nothing else like it: the taste, texture and aw so lovely
I’m enough of a chocoholic that I’m saving up for the HC after-easter sale already!
I’m a total chocoholic although I am trying to abstain for a while to get my weight down a bit, still you have to have an egg at Easter and thats something to look forward to, I can use all the money I’ve saved not buying a few bars each week and get myself a really amazing egg all for myself 😀
I’m more into savoury things like crisps but if its really good quality chocolate like Green and blacks or Hotel Chocolat then I go mad for it.
Someone said that the chocolate egg is too good to eat! No its not, chocolate is never too good to eat.
I’d love to win this
How much of a chocoholic am I? I am totally addicted to chocolate, don’t eat it all the time but have to stop and look at all of the different varieties when I am shopping!
I am a chocoholic because every Sunday afternoon wouldnt be great without a chocolate bar I put in my fridge,Really enjoy it too 🙂
I love chocolate, if I start a bar I always finish it at one sitting, no matter how big it is!
I love chocolate, if I put it out of view I can resist but once its opened my willpower isnt strong enough and eat too much too quickly (but I do enjoy it all the same)
I’m quite good when it comes to everyday chocolate, but quality chocolate like this I just can’t put down. lol
I love it
I am a crazy chocoholic, especially at the moment being pregnant, I keep sending hubby out at 2am to get me my choccy fix. x x x
There’s nothing better than curling up in front of the telly with a BIG bar of chocolate !! Heaven !!
I am a huge chocoholic but unfortunately have not had the luxury of trying any Hotel chocolat yet
Yummy in my Tummy x
I love chocolate, but I think I’ve got the mad chocoholic under control, its only taken me 40 years! Now I can enjoy it in a controlled way eating small quantities of top quality dark chocolate. I buy Hotel Chocolate chocs and Green and Blacks. I’d love to win the easter egg because I know how good Hotel Chocolat is!!!
i’m a total Chocoholic, always have chocolate stashed all over the house so the girls dont find it , must be bad when you hide sweets from the kids
I am a huge chocoholic. Can’t get enough of the stuff 🙂
I love chocolate especially unusual flavours and designs – an experimental chocoholic!
my daughter would class this as a gift from heaven
I’m a 100% bona fide chocoholic of the highest degree!
How much of a chocoholic am I? Well, I have to have some sort of chocolate everyday or I get grouchy!
I recently bought some chocolate that you inhale, gets it in the blood stream quicker. Just the way I like it.
I have a degree in chocolatism!!
I have my dentist on speed dial, Im THAT much of a chocaholic.
Mmmmmm chocolate….I’m sure I read somewhere that it counts as a “5 a day”…..or is that just wishful thinking 😉
need my chocolate fix every day
Love, love, love chocolate, but on a bit of a diet at the moment. My mum, however, isn’t, and is more of a chocoholic than me and would love it. That egg looks almost too good to eat, but could force myself
I’m a huge chocoholic, I have to eat it every day!
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I LOVE chocolate, but I much prefer the good quality stuff! That said, I don’t even bother buying biscuits unless they’ve got some chocolate in them – I mean really, what’s the point!
My hubby is a huge chocoholic so I would give this to him
I even eat chocolate for breakfast!
I’ve already subscribed 🙂
A bit too much :-O We’re having a cutting down month on choccy as our food bill was getting to high, needless to say I’ve made chocolate brownies instead & hubby made choc muffins the other day, so at least the kids are getting a little choccy fix 🙂
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i like chocolate .. i like it a lot 🙂 but im sure the egg would be very safe with me 😀 … honest !
I am much more of a chocoholic since having my children – I need the sugar rush to help me get through the day on very little sleep!
Im a sporadic chocoholic, every so often I will gorge on a certain bar (it changes) and then not eat any for a month or two
I am a really bad chocaholic, if I don’t have some chocolate by early afternoon, I am very grumpy, seriously I have to have my sugar fix or I am not to be messed with
Chocolate icecream!
I’m a big chocoholic
I love chocolate. My waistline hates chocolate though
I’m a huge chocoholic, I’m munching a mint aero as I type! 😉
A huge chocoholic 🙂
No chocolate is safe from me. I keep eating the Easter eggs for my grandson and then having to buy more to replace them
My husband and I are both huge chocoholics, so much so we fight over the last remaining chocolate in the house!
too much 🙂
I would have chocolate for breakfast, lunch and dinner if I could.
wow! that egg looks amazing! I’m so much of a chocaholic that if I were to win I might eat it all myself! 🙂
When I get the craving then that’s it!!!
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What can I say but Chocolate I LoveYou x
i love chocolate and absolutely adore hotel chocolat because they change their range for every occassion with new and different flavours instead of just changing the wrapping of the box of chocolates as many other chocolate stores do
So much so that i’m eating chocolate spread out of the tub right now 🙂 xx
Well, I’ve been known in the past to have had chocolate cake, dipped in chocolate fondue, whilst drinking hot chocolate! I have to say though….as much as I love the 40%s and the 70%s, sometimes either only a white bar, or a twirl will answer the craving!!
I crave chocolate in my sleep!
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I am a complete and utter chocoholic and these just look divine.
No-one to buy me a Easter egg ,but would love one of these as no way could i afford to buy myself one.
Drooling now, thinking about these lovely chocolate eggs.
I am a huge chocolate fan, i eat it everyday
OMG I need CHOCOLATEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE NOW what a massive egg omg I would be in heaven and i could eat that no problem on my own but might let hubby have a small piece because he would’nt appreciate it as much as me I lOVE HOTEL CHOCOLATE its the BEST
A scary chocoholic. I have a drawer of my desk dedicated to my chocolate supply…
I love all types of chocolate white, milk ,plain any mixture never eaten chocolate i did not like
once i get the taste for it everything choc gets demolished quickly!
I have been ordered by my daughter to enter this,as she wants this egg so badly and as i’m not prepared to buy her one then this is the only chance she has of getting one. She is a chocolate monster,but i come a close second!
there is no way i can save a bit of choc for later, if its open its gone! its the first think i eat every morning, how bad is that! 🙁
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A big one, and I dont want to be cured
I am this much *gestures* of a chocoaholic …
(you can’t see but I’m holding my hands as wide apart as possible!) x
I can get through a large bar of Dairy milk in next to no time.
I’m following you through USM
I am a MEGA chocoholic… knwon by my friends as the ‘Choccy Monster’!
I am already following by email! xxx
Very much a chocoholic,never been that big on sweeties
but chocs…oh my!
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Chocolate heaven – I’m sure it could count as part of a calorie controlled diet 🙂
i’m a serious chocaholic if i dnt have choc in i eat choc spread or hot chocolate, i once ate some ready made choc icing i had in for my cake cause i was craving choc, it was yum though betty crocker 😀 love it
I wish chocolate didn’t have such a hold over me but it does.
I generally eat 4-5 bits of chocolate a day, be it a twix, kitkat, milkybar or a galaxy bar.
I simply love chocolate.
I’m def a chocaholic, love the stuff – there’s always some form of chocolate in the house, be it biscuits, chocolate bars, in cereal. Get cravings in the evening sitting infront of the tv for chocolate! mmm and i LOVE easter 🙂
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It depends what time of the month it is!
I don’t need to eat it every day but when I get a craving I can eat a lot of it!
I love chocolate I eat it everyday x
I would LOVE to win this – I am a complete chocoholic and a bite of chocolate is essential to keep me going through my night shifts!
I’m not so much of a chocoholic as I used to be. I always have chocolate in the fridge or cupboard but tend to just snap off a few squares and that satisfies my craving.
I don’t just like chocolate – I LOVE it!
Love, love, love chocolate
I would say I’m a total chocoholic – a while ago I had a brilliant dream where lettuce & celery tasted like milk chocolate! (Can you guess I was on a diet?!) 😀 Really struggle to refuse chocolate when offered to me & it seems to be one of my downfalls
A big one
I absolutely adore chocolate! I really do need to cut back though but a treat once in a while couldn’t hurt, right?
I adore chocolate.
I’m not too much of one myself – but my wife woudl scoff that down in about 3 minutes – my dad bought one of these for my mum last easter and they’re amazing!! (not exact same one but still hotel chocolate!!)
I would live solely on chocolate if i could, i love it, esp after its been in the freezer and is really hard (cadbury creme eggs are gorgeous after 15 mins in the freezer) lol xx
I havent been eating chocolate all through uni, I think I need a treat!
A big big big one!
I’m more of a chocolate snob than a chocoholic. Love the very best choc, not so keen on the cheapie stuff although Cadbury choc still does it for me.
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MASSIVELY! lol I actually get depressed if I dont have some every day :-/ lol Love the name of the egg too, You Crack me up! LOL xx A truly beautiful egg x
The Egg looks delicious!
I used to keep my chocoholic tendencies under control, but since falling pregnant I’ve been having some serious chocolate cravings – that’s my excuse anyway!
A *BIG* one … I have no problem with eating chocolate for breakfast !
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I have to say I eat and or cook with chocolate daily! if i dont get a chocolate fix i have to have a hot chocolate or a bar of something to take the edge off and hotel chocolat is like my crack- i spend too much in their shop everytime it is someone’s brithday or a holiday of any kind!
thank you for this great giveaway x
An absolutely committed no hoper sort of chocoholic
I’m not too bad for being tempted to buy chocolate and can usually resist but if some makes it into my house by way of a gift or something, it doesn’t last long!
I love all chocolate and once tried to give it up for lent saving a stash to eat at Easter but only lasted a few days before binging.
I’m a real bad chocoholic!! I have 2 bars a day 😛 trying to cut down though x
When I have my chocolate head on, it better watch out, as I’m going for it like fun 😀
too much of a chocoholic i have hot chocolate at least once a day, I cook with chocolate and eat bars of chocolate
I’m not a chocoholic but I am a chocolate snob – I refuse to eat any of the “cheap” stuff!
An extreme 100% committed chocaholic!
Followed on twitter,tweeted,liked on facebook and subscribed to newsfeed.@PhillipsBarrie.Thanks.
very much so – def need it everday!
i am subscribed with google as mummy24
This prize looks so delicious – I would savour it til the sweet end!
I’m a secret chocoholic… I don’t like to share my chocolate
Done steps required tweeted from @misskatietweet & following “I LOVE LOVE LOVE chocolate xx
Massive! – Can’t go without my chocolate fix! x
I adore the dark side of chocolate
Not too bad but if there is dark chocolate in the house then I can’t sleep, maybe worse than I thought then!
I’m Mrs Chocaholic at work and I run the work’s tuck shop at work, always keeping it fully stocked with chocolate, I’m proud to be a chocaholic x
love chocolate total addict here
Id brush my teeth with it if i could!
I’m 90% cocoa solids! xxx
I’m a massive (not literally) chocoholic! I keep a tin in my bedroom hidden from everyone else, and keep it stocked with chocolate bars:)
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I am a biiiiig chocaholic!
I’m a sucker (pardon the pun…) for dark choc and especially a recent new discovery – salted caramel (drowned in high cocoa-content choc, of course)
i love choc!
A HUGE chocoholic!!
I’m a huge chocoholic but I’ve met my match in my husband, I have never met a man who devours chocolate like he does !
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I lovvvvve chocy. have been known to eat it for breakfast!!
I’m a terrible chocoholic! I’ve been known to go out at 11pm just for my fix :/ In fact, I feel a trip to the shops right now may be necessary…..
Just subscribed to this blog with googlereader- looking forward to seeing more
I am a massive chocoholic..so big that I even have a mug that says it…so it must be true!
A complete chocoholic! I believe that chocolate is a separate food group!
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i am a very big chocoholic. x
I could eat chocolate from the moment I wake up til the last few minutes before I go to sleep. My son is only 20 months old but can say chocolate buttons as clear as day!! Definitely got that from me 🙂
I am an absolute addict, a lie without chocolate is not worth living!
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I am a massive chocoholic. its my favourite. x
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Reformed chocoholic – ir trying to be! I won’t buy it anymore, but obviously if I’m given any as a gift (or win some) then it’s calorie free 😉
Sat here eating a Time Out & trying to kid myself that I don’t have an addiction…….. This egg looks too good!
Chocolate ? Moi ? Never touch the stuff, its for my little dog – honist 🙂
Im more of a choccoaddict than a chocoholic. I have to have it every day or I get very sad lol.
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i eat some sort of chocolate daily!!
I can go without chocolate until I see it, then once I start I can’t stop. God help me if I win this fabulous prize!
i literally cannot go without chocolate for even 1 day! however when i was pregnant and suffering from morning sickness i couldnt stomach it for 6 months, def making up for it now though! i thikn this egg would hopefully last me a few days though! x
Love some tasty dark chocolate!
I do TRY to not eat chocolate, and I sometimes manage for a couple of weeks without. But today I’ve had some fruit and nut, a small double decker, and some Dairy Milk Caramel. Mmmmm.
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I’m an immense chocoholic – when I can afford it…
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I LOVE chocolate especially white chocolate but my hubby and twins are the true chocoholics in this household! 😀
subscribed via rss as helen e 😀
Helen E harris- sorry 😀
I am a mega chocoholic- I just love the stuff
I’m a chocoholic and have managed 24 days of lent its taken alot of will power but I am determined to complete lent without a single bit of chocolate.. I’m saving myself for Easter Sunday where I’ll be eating chocolate for breakfast, dinner and tea!!! This egg would be perfect… Only 16 days to go x
love it! always ruins my diet
Its my Saturday night treat, I try to be good the other six days.
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I adore chocolate, a definite chocoholic and if there was a chocanonymous, I would be stating my name!! haha
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my handbag is full of wrappers
I am a definite chocoholic, although my hubby’s even worse!!
I am such a chocoholic that even my wedding cake had to be chocolate
I’m not too much of a chocoholic. I like my savory stuff just as much. However, give me a packet of rum truffles and they don’t tend to last long!! lol
I am a complete chocoholic, I just love the stuff! Have you seen how thick that egg is – I want it!
I’m trying hard not to be, but would make an exception for this :quality and quantity!
I’ve just remembered a shameful incident. My daughter had left her easter egg in the kitchen one year. I ate it. Well, it was just left wasn’t it? I mean! She wouldn’t have left it there if she didn’t want me to eat it. Ooops. She did want it. She hadn’t left it for me to eat at all.
I seem to have the inability to only have a ‘bit’ of chocolate. One chunk leads to another, then another, then one more…..then oh no where’s it all gone!
I have to have my hourly fix of chocolate!
I’m enough of a chocoholic that I am always contemplating chocolate for every meal! I wouldn’t be able to share this egg, oh no, I’d have to sit quietly and devour it all by myself..hiding under the bed..so the children wouldn’t suspect a thing..
Is that a serious question?
My problem is that if there is chocolate available, I’ll eat it, so I daren’t buy a big bar or it’s gone as soon a I look at it!
I try very hard not to give in to my chocaholism (else I’d be eating chocolate at every opportunity!) but Easter (and Christmas) is when I give in!!
I have to admit I am more a savoury person, although I do love my chocolate – my husband is the chocoholic in the family!!
Subscribed to your blog too (Chelseamamma) x x x
I am what is known as a controlled chocoholic, I have to have chocolate every single day but always in moderation, I know when to say enough. Before I moved in with my diabetic husband I used to have a drawer dedicated solely to chocolate in my kitchen…
I love chocolate that much it’s a minute on the lips forever on the hips, thats why the kids call me michelin man, I’m a chocoholic, I have chocolate for breakfast dinner and tea and supper too. and have to end the night with a cup of hot chocolate mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
OMG – This is my idea of heaven i need a choc egg to krave my cravings!
I do love chocolate, its that feeling you get when you est it its just mega
Chocolate is the one thing I can’t resist!! Sweets, crisps, cakes I can go without, but never chocolate!
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Chocoholic is my middle name ! If there is chocolate in the house i have to eat it till it’s all gone ! Give someone my last Rolo , NOT A CHANCE lol ! I go to a shop and buy chocolate making out i’m buying for my husband and kids and end up hiding and eating it all ! Oh and when the kids were little i use to open up their easter eggs and eat the back of the egg so they wouldn’t notice ! If i win this egg i will of course share it NOT !!!!!! lol
Hmm well I have visited every chocolate shop in Paris, London and New York …. so it’s more of an obsession really … that said I don’t discriminate and still love cadbury, lindt, etc. …… basically can’t go a day without some!
im a big chocoholic my husband tends to hid it so he actually gets some 🙂
I have to do frequent exercise to burn off the weight gained by chocolate. That’s how much of a chocoholic i am!!!
I’m a choccy monster!!!!
Well lets just say I’m thinkign of getting that slimpod for chocoholics ;))
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I LOVE chocolate but I am NOT a chococholic, no I’m not, definitely not and NO I am NOT in denial.
Quite a bit, Especially if I don’t get any during the week. I scoff a lot at the weekend.
Really really nice chocolate is one of my biggest weaknesses!
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I love chocolate and really like some regularly but I can be quite restrained about portion size so I can make it last.
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I get to be a chocaholic at xmas time, it always last till after easter then i lay off again till xmas.
I would happily live of chocolate if it was possible! I’m absolutely mad for chocolate!
I am more of a chocoholic than the oompa loompas who volunteer to be Willy Wonkas chocolate tasting panel, who taste test chocolate whilst building furnature from cocoa!
Ok, I love chocolate, I love the bite of real chocolates too, more than bars of chocolate. Coffee mixers, Truffles and boozy chunks are mmm, stuff dreams are made of.
Put it this way there isn’t any choccy I haven’t tried
I’m such a chocoholic i’ve ended up having to go on a diet-whoops!……i’m sure a little treat at easter won’t hurt though!!!
I just LOVE all chocolate, if walking past a chocolate shop have to go in for a taster, favourite drink hot chocolate with marshmallows favourite chocolate any but love hotel chocolat pink champagne, favourite cereal Krave chcolate. Chocolate mad. x
I love chocolate, though my husband is probably even more of a chocoholic. It’s all he ever wants for presents. Makes shopping for presents for him quite easy though.
I am very fond of chocolate is what I tell people. I’d love to add that my liking for chocolate is purely recreational and that I could give it up any time, but that would be a lie. I ADORE it, and only fear of obesity stops me living on the stuff.
Can be a total choccy monster if its in the house, but will share if others are around me, would love to share this
A massive one!! my husband doesn’t get much of a look in whenever we get given chocolate 🙂
Already subscribed by RSS – google reader 🙂
im not, but my hubby is a MAJOR chocaholic!
i have subscribed in google reader xx
a total chocoholic – just can’t resist
Well as I now go to the gym 4-5 times per week I figure I can eat as much chocolate as I like…. and thats a lot!
i’m a HUGE chocoholic 😀 and proud of it x
very we have chocolate every day 🙂
I am addicted to chocolate
If I could eat chocolate I would be THE biggest chocoholic going!! …….I am alergic to the stuff but I mentally crave it and have done for the past 14 years….I actually have to sniff my sons chocolate just to feel like I’ve had some…………..My son loves chocolate more than life itself hence my entering this fantastic comp!
Nothing beats a chocolate treat : )
The treat of the Day !
I do love chocolate – a bit too much!
Chocoholic? That word does not exist for me, because that implies that there is something wrong with eating all the chocco that i eat. Nope, its just a normal state of being for me – not a chocoholic at all…….
Nom nom nom
(muching and dribbling chocolate!)
I love chocolate and am so pleased with myself that I’ve managed to give it up for Lent…
I love chocolate :))
Well my username is chocolateone ;0) so I guess you get the picture! x
im a massive chocoholic its like an addiction : )
totally addicted, can’t get through a day without it!
100%, no doubt!
I am a massive chocoholic – currently snacking on biscuits and philly chocolate spread! 🙂
I really really love chocolate, far to much for my waistline xx
subscribed via G+1 and shared publicly
Got to hide the packets so I dont have to share with anyone
i love chocolate
Love it love it love it – could eat it any time of the day or night
Hanker for
Honeydew Melon
I’m a massive chocoholic I have to have a little bit of chocolate every day!!
Me? I’m a new chocoholic just starting out and looking to FEED my addiction!!
i always crave choccie
I LOVE Chocolate so huge 🙂
Im a massive chocoholic can’t get enough of the stuff and my weight shows it! I have a thing for chunky kit kats at the moment!
Following via google reader too
As a rule, I go for savoury over sweet. But when I do fancy chocolate it usually results in a massive binge!! 🙂
Chocolate is my only downfall when trying my hardest to diet.
I’d like to say 50% but that would be a lie…. I am at least 100% chocoholic!
Unbelievably bad, I could honestly live on it! I swear it calls on me if its in the cupboard, I just can’t rest till its all gone! 😀
i even dream about chocolate!
wow love Hotel Chocolat and this is the egg of my dreams!