Ah the growing season is upon us again, so I pulled on my wellies and took Sam down the lotters to get some seeds in the ground. The bobbing yellow heads of the daffodils greeted us, and for, oh about 15 minutes it felt like paradise.
We sat on our rickety wooden chairs eating cake by the pond in the sunshine, Sam dug in the mud for a bit, but then as far as he was concerned it was time to go home and play on the Wii.
I ignored his pleas and got on with marking out my rows, carving the drills, scattering seeds and putting in seedlings.
So far we have:
Petit Pois
plus the rhubarb that’s sprung up again in a random corner of the plot!
Sam flipped between helping and moaning, but I stuck it out as I have limited opportunities to get to the allotment.
It’s usually boredom that leads kids to using their imagination to make their own fun. In the end Sam dug himself a hole and ferried water to it from the tank to create a big squelchy mud pit.
He was totally plastered in mud , but it was worth it just to get some veg started.
On the windowsills at home we’re nurturing:
Mange Tout
Next up I have plans for sweetcorn – cobs and miniature, yellow courgettes and celery.
I think I’ll do French beans again, but won’t bother with broad beans as they were a right old faff.
What’s everyone else growing this year?
I just love allotment news! This is my 1st year with a cleared plot but sad to say the hose pipe ban is limiting the amount of seeds I will be sowing. Also noticed how the one patch that has nothing growing on it is already rock solid and impossible to dig. So, have gone for potatoes and lots of soft fruit bushes that seem to be fine so far. Peas have already been munched. Will be trying out some more and hope for the best. Love this time of the year and good luck with your own growing x
yep it’s hard to keep on top of the watering – we’ve not been allowed hosepipes at our allotment at all since we took it on. I do love jumping on my bike of an evening and getting the watering can on the go though – it’s a little bit of tranquility.
I’m always envious of those immaculate plots populated by the retired brigade… they just seem to have it all sorted. I feel like i’ve still got so much to learn. Hope your potatoes and fruit bushes do well, and you have more luck with the peas. I need to get some netting over mine.
The ground here is baked and splitting… fingers crossed we can store enough grey water. Suppose that is difficult on an allotment though. We save the water from the dehumidifier that runs in the house too.
So far I have 2 types of tomatoes, capsicums, chillies, peas, garlic, potatoes, french beans, rocket, cybees, little gem lettuce planted and I bought a mushroom kit ’cause I love mushroom stroganoff.
Been selling the extras to friends to pay for the seeds lol.
the drought is a real worry for this year’s growing season. We have water tanks at our allotment that are so far always full – not sure how that’ll pan out over the summer though. We’ll have to set up a water but on the shed if it starts to dry up. Loving the sound of your veggie plans – a mushroom kit sounds fun!
I can’t really join in the allotment conversation yet but, and it’s a very excited but, I should be able to next year. Our parish council has finally sorted out the plans and it looks like the village allotments will be ready to take over later this year. Hurrah!