Has your dad been particularly good this year? Does your other half do his fair share to look after the kids? If it’s a yes and you’re looking for Father’s Day present ideas, then get yourself in the kitchen with the kids and stir up some of these little big beauties for Sunday.
Properly gooey choccy brownies with a generous smattering of toasted nuts and dried apricots.
They’re dead simple to make, and ab-so-bloomin-lutely GORGEOUS. We took this batch on our recent camping trip and they didn’t last very long. Matthew devoured most of them as we watched in awe at the amount of baked products he can put away without it giving him a gut.
I devised this recipe for Parentdish, so if you want the recipe then skedaddle over there to grab it now>>>>
Forget Father’s day and send them straight to me please!
hehehe going to make a batch on saturday with the boys – drop by if you want to get a fix 🙂
I love brownies and these look amazing!
Thanks! I rustled up another batch for my husband which he was delighted about on father’s day – dangerously good.