It’s fair to say we get through a fair amount of cereal in the Feeding Boys household. I try and give the boys a selection to choose from to stop boredom setting in – weetabix and shredded wheats are solid favourites. I do also indulge them with what I class as treat-type cereals like honey nut cornflakes and cheerios.
I know there’s a lot of debate about what cereals you should and shouldn’t give your kids, but they have so many extra vitamins put in them that I’ve always been a fan.
I reserve the more sugary ones for the start of the day, when the boys need their energy the most, but weetabix are the best for suppertime cereal. My boys really are hungry ALL THE TIME, so a bedtime carbohydrate fix is essential for them. It always brings back lovely memories of my granny giving me cereal before bed when we used to stay at her house. She had some exotic cereal called Oat Crunchies, which were like little pillows and tasted of honey.
So here’s what Sam and Arlo made of the new flavour of Cheerios. I’m often a little sceptical about chocolate flavoured cereals – especially after chocolate weetabix which were awful. But these seem pretty nice… Definitely just for mornings though!
What cereals do your children love? Do you give your kids supper at bedtime? Are there cereals you won’t give your kids?
Thanks to Cheerios for sending us a box to try
I can across this via Fuss Free Helen. Delighted with your balanced and honest views on the struggles of feeding boys, a far cry from the “food fascist” camp. Looking forward to reading more!
Aw thanks very much – I try to be as honest as possible. Us mums have a hard enough job as it is, without being made to feel like crap for giving our kids ‘bad’ food. It’s all about balance if you ask me.
Love the video. I totally agree with you about cereal. I’d love my boys to only ever eat sugar free cereals but we mix it up like you with the healthy basics – weetabix, shreddies and porridge – with treat size boxes of the sugary stuff. Sometimes they have them for afterschool snacks rather than in the morning. I’m a fan of the boiled egg for breakfast when I’m up in time to make them!