There’s a new Greek-style yoghurt on the scene – it’s called Greek Gods. It comes in four honey-infused flavours and the guys that make it hope it’s going to be as successful when it launches in the UK as it has been in the USA.
Greek Gods yogurt is apparently packed with friendly bacteria and lower calorie than other luxury yogurts – which sounds like good news to me.
If you hop on over to Greek Gods Yogurt on Facebook you can get yourself a coupon to print off which will get you £2 off a 680g tub of the Yoghurt at Sainsbury’s for the first four weeks after it appears in store. It’s on offer at £2 at the mo!
And to celebrate the launch I’m teaming up with Greek Gods to give you this amazing hamper!
One Greek Gods hamper containing:
1 x high-quality extra virgin olive oil
1 x jar of organic mixed olives
1 x jar of stuffed vine leaves
1 x organic Greek honey
1 x Greek Delight
1 x nifty garlic zoom
1 x stylish lemon squeezer
1 x set of two oil drizzlers
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Closing date 12:01am 31st December 2012
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- This giveaway is open to all readers over 18 with a postal address in the UK.
- The winner will be chosen via Rafflecopter using an online randomiser and announced in a subsequent post.
- I am running this competition on behalf of Greek Gods Yoghurt who will be organising the prize for the lucky winner. Their decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
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Dionysus lots of wine!
Dionysus – he sounds like he knows how to have fun.
Demeter he’d know his stuff
Dionysus – sounds like a fun guy 🙂 😀 Good luck to everyone
Dionysus – lots of wine sounds good!
i follow with gfc as mummy24
i follow with pinterest as ashlallan
Zeus as it’s raining again!
Dionysus and get him to bring a bottle
with Kurt Rambis who is a living Greek godlike guy! 🙂
Dionysus would be a lot of fun
I’ll plump for Dionysus too!
Zeus……..the king of the gods ‘cos l’d feel quite regal if l were to win this prize
Zeus – the King of the Gods, because Greek Gods Yoghurt is King 🙂
I’m subscribed to this blog via Google Reader 🙂
Dionysus – he sounds like he knows how to have fun
I’m following you on Pinterest 🙂
Hephaestus – he could keep me cosy 🙂
Dionysus would probably appreciate it the most, and I’d appreciate him!
Dionysus 😀
Do Greek Goddesses count-Hedone,Queen of Pleasure would be my pal!
Has to be Dionysus, as he’d be king of the party!
Hestia, goddess of the hearth and baking!
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Aphrodite the Goddess of beauty, love and desire!
Has to be Zeus
Dionysus – sounds fun to be around!
Zeus I guess
Dionysus – God of Wine!
Definitely Apollo.
It would be Aphrodite for me
Dionysus the god of wine
Already subscribed to blog via email 🙂
Eros 😉
Think i will have trouble sharing with anyone!! never mind a greek God…
Zeus as he was reputedly born in Crete, my second home.
Aphrodite as I’m sure we could enjoy the hamper together!!
Aphrodite 🙂
Apollo and Achilles, i’m sure they would make up over the hamper
Would share with my healthy freak mummy 🙂
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It would have to be Zeus
Ooooo Hades, he would scare away any food pinchers
Dionysus – lots of wine
Its got to be the god of gods Zeus, only the best for me
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Poseidon – he looked a fishy fellow!
Following you via Google Reader as Gillian Holmes
Icarus as I like to fly near the sun.x
Poseidon x
Aphrodite would be my choice
Dionysus would be my choice
Ares – Olympian god of war and defense. Sounds like my kind of guy
Aphrodite cause my partner would think he was in heaven if I won this 😀
Apollo after all what more could you ask for music and healing hahah 🙂
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following on pinterest already as nicci cowdell-murray
Dionysus the god of wine
My husband – although not an official Greek god he is mine.
Apollo Hes so cool!!
Adonis would be nice.
Dionysus – but I’ll make him drink Coca-Cola lol
the only Greek god in my life: my gorgeous husband of course!
Think I would have to choose Dionysus ( hmm, but I always seem to choose the wrong men!!)
Demeter – the goddess of food
Apollo = In my dreams, as he is really David Hay
Apollo at home to enjoy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Zeus.. he can seduce me anytime….
following you on pinterest as julie booth/tiddles12
Aphrodite deserves a good feed.
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I alreay follow cookingkt on Pinterest as SmokinHerbz
alreadyf ollowing cookingkt on StumbleUpon as herbertappleby
Hermes – god of travel
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Sorry I mis read the question I’d share it with Hermes so he could tell me all his tales
I’ve stumbled your blog
Hermes ‘The Messenger of the Gods’ – Afterwards he could report back and tell the others Gods how fantastic the hamper was.
apollo 🙂
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hercules, though I guess technically a demi-god.
eros 🙂
Bacchus – knows how to party!
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Dionysus 🙂
I love Greek food
Zeus for me
Hermes the God of Luck
i have my own greek god-my husband
Zeus for me.
Hestia. She presided over the hearth and, as such, also over the baking of bread, so I suspect she would be quite a handy rustling us both us something yummy from these goodies.
I am subscribed by email and (I think) Google Reader too 🙂
I’m following you on Pinterest too (Ali Thorpe).
Ares hopefully it would calm him down and he would stop with all the wars
Rss all done 🙂
Poseidon, he could have fish
Hades! Me and a friend were talking about this recently, and we decided that Hades would be the god to know! Shame he’s married…but we’re just talking about sharing a hamper here aren’t we? ;D
Eros, the Greek God of love
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I follow on iPinterest as beachrambler
zeus 🙂
Eros, he could be useful
Dionysus, he sounds like the life and soul of the party! Follow you on twitter, pinterest and stumble.. all done!
I’m quite selfish, I’m not sure I’d be able to share. I’m not on first name terms with any Greek gods anyway. They probably don’t think I’m interesting enough!
I followed on GFC as Izzie (or Isabel I’m not sure how it appears) and pinterest as izpants and stumbleupon as yyesydolikecake.
Peter Andre – he loves his grub 😉
I wouldn’t want to share! But probably Apollo.
Apollo – bit of music and sunshine, perfect!
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Today it would be Epione – “the goddess of soothing of pain” as I have toothache and now have to got to the dentist :((
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Mars – he could use his knowledge of war to protect anyone trying to nick our hamper!
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I would share with hades
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esther james
THOR, in case anythings frozen, sorry
I would share it with Zeus 🙂
Zeus’s son God and fun and merriment, ideal hamper sharing partner!!
It’s got to be Thor!!!! Especially if he looks like Chris Helmsworth! 😉
Eros,the God of love 🙂
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I am Following cookingkt on Pinterest – Alice Hindley
Zeus, always go for the top
The Greek God of generosity is Dionysus – at least I can be sure of getting a good share of the hamper!
Zeus cause I wouldn’t want to face his wrath!
Demeter to make sure my harvest is bountiful
Dionysius – he’d know how to have a good time!
Zeus might as well keep the boss happy
Hermes. He had a lot going for him, not like the other stuck up gods, he might’ve actually been fun to be around.
Obvs Dionysus…Greek wine is potent stuff! Don’t get me started on Ouzo and Retsina
must be zeus
My other half… what? He’s a Greek God in my eyes 🙂
Aphrodite the Goddess of beauty, love and desire as I would feel all those things with a glass of wine in me lol!
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Would just have to be Eros 🙂
Athena – it would be an amazing lunch!!!
Narcissus – seems like a nice boy.
Eros, no question!
Pegasus, the winged horse!
Jo Orr – Google Reader
Following on Pinterest – I’m Jo Orr
Achilles – a hero like that would have a big appetite & enjoy this!
Demeter – goddess of agriculture, horticulture, grain and harvest to help me with the allotment.
Follow through rss as Sam Fernley/happy homebird
follow you on Pinterest as Happy Homebird
Artemis – goddess of the hunt
Hmm. Achilles – swoon!
Aphrodite the Goddess of beauty, love and desire!
Eros he has lots of love to give and it would be a romantic meal.
i follow on stumble upon as ashlallan
Dionysus – he knows how to party
Follow on Pinterest, StumbleUpon and via RSS.
Dionysos – paaaarty!
I follow you on Pinterest as Carol
I follow you on Stumbleupon as essexgirlSE
I’d share with Hermes – god of Travel and messenger to the Gods – what a lot he could tell me!
I’d share it with the main man, Zeus 🙂
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Bacchus, he can provide the wine and these would be great to nibble on while share a few drinks.
Thor because he’s thunderously hansome
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Thor! No reason needed :-p
Hestia – love cakes
Apollo, because he is the God of music (among other things) and i love music especially Christmas music!!!
Aphrodite because she seems a bit nicer than some of the others.
Zeus seems cool
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zeus, no doubt
I’d share a picnic with Athena, goddess of wisdom and handicrafts, I think she would be fascinating!
Hera, she had a rough time with Zeus and needs a treat 😀
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Apollo so we could have a spot of music together and a bit of archery to break up all the over-indulging from the hamper!
I’d choose Dionysos
sorry i entered with my old email address by mistake. This is the right one , id choose Dionysos
Zeus the greatest
followed u on pintrest kay adeola
Minerva aka Athena – goddess of metalwork/mining amongst other things – she could really make a meal golden – literally.
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Dionysus xx
I have subscribed at etheltench123 (at)
Following on Pinterest as Nick Hopkins
Zeus 🙂
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Zeus – he is the main man after all!
apollo xxxx
subscribed via google reader
Apollo 🙂
Apollo as he is the god of music, and I love music and dining
Hestia (maybe she’d help with the cooking?)
Eros,the God of love <3
Hestia – the goddess of hearth, home and cooking according to Wikipedia – very appropriate.
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I might just be tempted to share mine with Adonis… 😉
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Would be Zeus for me!
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Dionysus god of wine say no more!
Dionysus the god of the grape harvest, winemaking and wine, of ritual madness and ecstasy in Greek mythology. Sounds like a good laugh!
I’ve also subscribed to the blog and following you on Pinterest 🙂
Hesta as she could probably make something really tasty with the ingredients
Apollo – He’s so strong
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Hades – let’s face it he can’t get invited to join the party very often can he?
Zeus – well it never hurts to smooze with the man in charge 🙂
Zeus, though I don’t normally share!
Zeus .. I’d like to pick his brain!
I’m already subscribed to your blog via email 🙂
I’ve subscribed to your Pinterest 🙂
Dionysus – He has all the yummy wine!!
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zeus 🙂
Zeus – because he rules!
Zeus because i don’t want to make him angry
Eros 🙂
Hades – no one’s mates with Hades poor guy 😉
Dionysus – God of Wine! .. I’ve drunk more than my fair share lol
followed on pinterest 🙂
zeus, aim for the top
Gotta be Adonis 😉
Eros 😉
I’d send a message to Hermes to come share it with me
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added to Google reader xxx
following on pinterest olivia280177
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The multi talented Apollo.
zeus – the king
zeus x
Following on Pinterest as Lynn Savage
Apollo a bit of sunshine wouldn’t go amiss
Zeus – I like a man with power
Thor – I’ve always thought he was a bit hot!!
Demeter 😀
Peter Andre 😉
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Followed via pinterest – staceyguilliatt
The King of Gods , Zeus
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Added to Google reader x
Dionysus – he knows how to party!
Apollo. He could supply the light and the music and I would supply the hamper 🙂
Subscribed to RSS via Google Reader Sharon Arnott
Already following on pinterest Sharon Arnott
i subscribe via rss
already follow on pinterest
Dionysus lots of wine!
Dionysus, he would bring wine
Probably Zeus x
Appollo – he could light up my life
Hestia as I’m sure she could cook up something good using it as an ingredient
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Dionysus would be very handy if we ran out of wine 🙂
Who else but Dionysus 😉
my twitter name is @pixiepie123
i might be tempted to share the nifty garlic zoom!
I’m not sure I could share any >.< might give a spoonful of the yoghurt to my boyfriend!
Zeus would be my choice.
I’d share it with my partner. 🙂
Apollo – I could do with some sun!
Peter Andre!!!
It would have to be Zeus because I need all the details surrounding THAT shower of golden rain.
He bought fire to earth – so would be good to start a fire to cook on. Unfortunately he gets tied up and his eyes eaten out by an eagle – more for me?
Zeus – for me it has to be the Big man himself -The Father of Gods and men it always pays to go to the top !
Demeter had some nice ideas!
would have to be the King of the Gods Zeus!
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Dionysus for sure 🙂 Love wine x
Dionysus…. what can I say? I’m a wine lover lol
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Hermes – after all that travelling he would benefit from yoghurt and honey to refresh and revitalize him
Tethys, greek sea goddess. The goddess Tethys, who may have been a primordial deity of Archaic Greece, and in Classical myths was described as the mother who oversaw the chief rivers of the world known to the Greeks. Im sure that would work up the need for a youghurt or two.
I would have a midnight feast with Selene (goddess of the moon).
I would share mine with HERA wife of Zeus, queen of the gods and goddess of marriage, women, childbirth, heirs, kings and empires. And with a husband like Zeus all hot air, thunder and lightening; I think she could do with a treat!
Aphrodite as hopefully she’d be really pleased & would do something about my abysmal love life!!
yum yum
Hestia – she’d love to come for a cuppa as well.
Apollo 🙂
Zeus – he might make it stop raining!!
Following on Pinterest as Joanna Sawka
zeus, it would have to be him x
Eros 😉 as I would share it with my husband to celebrate our anniversary and all the good things 2012 brought us including our first child!
Dionysus or if not able to, then my hubby!!
Eros for me!
I’m sure Aphrodite was a giggle xx
Zeus!! 🙂
Demeter. We’d make a great team with his food supplies and my cooking skills.
Pandora 🙂
Perseus –
Dionysus – Simply because i’m a wine kinda gal 😉
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Apollo : )
Ummm Apollo.
Zuess or my husband, he may not be greek but he’s a god to me
heaven knows……..its all Greek to me
I’m not fussy lol Greek – god I’m happy either way lol
Aphrodite, the Goddess of love
Aphrodite, she can give me some pointers, following also on pintrest x
Plutus god of agricultural wealth
Poseidon, Im a bit of a sailor and would like to know when I will get fair winds