It doesn’t have to be Shrove Tuesday to break out the pancakes. Birthdays, lazy weekends, or just because you feel like it are all adequate pancake occasions in our house!
If you’d like to win this fabulous hamper to fuel your very own pancake party then step this way folks…
The Abra-ca-Debora Pancake Hamper is a luxury wicker hamper containing sweet and savoury ingredients for a pancake party for 2 people with a retail value of £50.
It includes:
- a pack of Original and Sweet Abra-ca-Debora Dutch pancakes
- a jar of chutney
- a jar of Marmite
- Green & Black’s chocolate
- Maple syrup
- Golden icing sugar
- 1 lemon
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Closing date midnight 30th June, 2013
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I would invite all my uni friends! Since graduation weve not had much of a chance to catch up, and what better way than over a delicious breakfast 😀
Love this
My family and close friends!
I subscribe via pinterest
I subscribe via youtube
I subscribe via google+
I’d invite all my daughters friends round. Kids love pancakes
I’d invite the queen of tarts!
I’d invite some of my lovely fb mummy friends. A lot of them live so far away from me and have been there for me when iv struggled in the past. Itd be a great way of saying thankyou plus the kids could run riot together lol
My family & friends 🙂
i’d invite my boyfriend, so he would set it all up for me 🙂
subscribed on youtube too
my children they would love it x
Marie Antoinette, so we could let our guests eat cake (pancake that is!)
I’m following cookingkt on Pinterest
My kids friends – you can’t go wrong with kids and pancakes – never met one yet that doesn’t like them!
I’d invite all the kids for a stuff your self silly party… they range from age 0 to 24 and would all love it – good excuse to get everyone together 🙂
It would have to be my nephew. When he was little and he stayed with us for a sleepover, he always asked for pancakes for breakfast. Now he’s an adult, I still make him pancakes whenever he comes round!
I would have Elvis, lets face it he loved his pancakes and everything else for that matter!
my dad
I would invite my 3 little girls….they can’t resist pancakes!
My family when they get back off their holidays 🙂
My sister, her husband and her 8 kids, as well as having my own 5 kids – It’d be fun but mad.
my partner and children
My family
Just my family
my son
WeatherGirl Laura Tobin, sweet as a pancake x
Me! I love pancakes…lol
My Dad as I don’t see him very often
My family
Already following on Google+
I subscribe via youtube
All my neighbours, pancake street party.
my daughter would have her friends over from school,they all love pancakes
already following you on google+1
My Family xxx
I would invite my family.
A couple of my work colleagues!
I’m already subscribed on YouTube!
The girlies 🙂
The new neighbours….good excuse to get to know them!
YouTube – Wayne Smith
My boys
I would invite my cousins and their kids to have a party.
Nieces and the rest of the family
my Daughter and Son-in-law
already sub on youtube
have G+ already following
My Mum, she’s made so many pancakes for me over the years I should return the favour x
Followed and +1’d on Google+ x
I’d invite my mum as a treat
my family and friends!
I follow with google+ as ashleigh allan
My daughter’s best friends.
my family and friends
I would invite my next door neighbor because she’s lovely 🙂
My two kids and husband love pancakes!
my flatmate
my hubby and kids, they would be in pancake heaven
My husband as he is the biggest pancake lover around!
my older 2 kids…they are never in at the moment and it would be lovely to spend some time together as a family
I would invite my mum to celebrate her 80th birthday.
Family and friends
My family
My children they love pancakes
My brothers so the whole family can get together.
I would invite my family
I have subscribed to You Tube
Have +1 on google
I’d share this with my lovely family – my daughter really loves pancakes
I’ve shared your competition on Google+
wow, a pancake party! that sounds like so much fun! I would invite all my family and my sons friends. Both adults and children love pancakes!
The whole family
I would invite my best friend Caroline and her husband
Google + as Julie Davies
follow on pinterest
following on g+ as Jayne Townson
Subscribed to the Feeding Boys channel on YouTube
My best friend who loves pancakes like me!
I would invite my Daughter,son and their partners
My family and friends for a huge pancake pile up with plenty of chocolate sauce and ice cream!
My family
My family and friends for a delicious brunch!
I would invite my girls – they love pancakes!
I have G+1’d
I’m already following on pinterest
I would invite my whole family and friends to the party!
My mum and my daughter
I have subscribed to You Tube
following on Google+
I’d invite friends, family and the neighbours – there’s quite a lot of new neighbours recently and it would be a good chance for everyone to get to know each other.
my kids
We would invite Sunnyboy’s grandparents.
my neighbours and friends
Just family would be nice to spend time together
nanny & grandad
subscribe on youtube
follow on g+
Prince Harry of course!
I’d invite my Mum and Dad as they both work so hard and we don’t get to see them as often as we’d like.
Subscribed via all channels.
I’d invite the neighbours.
Subscribed with Youtube
G+ as Maya Russell and shared:
It would have to just be my 3 children as they’d eat enough pancakes for 10 people
My son, he loves his pancakes!
my best friend to cheer her up after her knee replacement surgery
Just me, the hubby and the kids. We’re pancake monsters!
Isaac Asimov, the greatest science fiction writer of all time in my opinion
My family
My husband and little boy.
It’d have to be my daughter and her little ones .
My friends 🙂
My hubby and sons and a jar of honey !!
Everyone on Facebook!
the queen for a royal feast
all my friends and family
My partner and my little boy and of course me! X
My sister 🙂
Everybody xxxx
Followed on G+ Zoe Howarth
I’d invite my best friend Delilah.
my 3 teeangers and their friends x
Gary Barlow, just because I love him
I am subscribed on YouTube – Kirsty Fox
My whole family. x
family and friends
My sis, bro and my neice
Mum and Dad
I +1’d on G+ 🙂 – Helen Moulden
My pals 🙂
Family and friends
My boyfriend
My family.
Subscribed via youtube.
Google +1 – done
I would invite all my inlaws!
My family 🙂
My family and friends
The children from Tiddlywinks
My family and close friends x
My Family
my family and friends
All my family
friends that i’ve not seen for a while
My sister and nephew and niece,they love pancakes.
I follow on google + as melanie stirling
the kids
The family
I would invite the family
I would invite Mr Tumble (Justin Fletcher my kids love him he would keep them occupied.
My sons friends
Seeing as my puppy loves pancakes like she loves life, I’d have to invite her as well as family!
I’d invite my nieces and nephews – all 12 of them!
my god-daughter – she has a sweet tooth (like me!)
I would invite all my family, we only usually get together at Christmas so a summer gathering would be fun!
Just the family
The whole street.
All my family xx
All my university friends
Axl Rose! lol
family and friends
My children and their friends
my son loves pancakes so i’d have to share with him whether i like it or not!!
As a doting Grandpa I would have no say in the guest list my grandchildren would take care of it,
My mum and spoil her rotten
My family and best friends.
My kids and they love rainbow pancakes 🙂
The family so they can do the washing up : )
love this. give up the diet !!
friends and family
I’d love to invite my niece and nephews … so they can get involved in making the batter and drizzling them with syrup!
my brother and daughter xx
I’d invite my daughter – she is a pancake fanatic like me!
my husband and daughter, they would love it:-)
All our family.
My Daughter and friends
all my family
My niece & nephew; haven’t seen them for months 🙁
My Mum, and Richard Gere – cause she luuurves him
My Grandsons
My hubby!
Family and friends
I would invite my kids (as they live with their father for 11 months of the year). They adore pancakes, but when I make them, they never quite come out right.
My mummy friends & their toddlers!
id invite kate middleton
My girls they would love it.
I would invite my school mum friends, WHen all the children are at school we could sit round and have pancakes together!
My daughter – she loves pancakes x
I would invite my best friend emma
My Book Club – we could discuss our latest read and munch on panckaes
Kathy D
my mum and sisters
my sister, we speak on the phone all the time, but haven’t had a get together for a little while
…………………my grandsons
My best friends
My partner and daughter, keep the numbers down so there’s more for us to pig out on 🙂
My son, his partner and my adorable grandson
I would invite my sister and niece and of course my husband.
my mum and my 2 kids
Stephen Fry as true legend
Am following you already on Google+ 🙂
Our household love pancake nights 🙂
friends and family
I’d invite my family for sure. My niece and nephews would love this!
My family and close friends.
My lovely family as we have just moved house so would have a pancake house warming lol xx
I would invite my husband and 2 sons, they would famish the lot!! 🙂
My mum! She loves pancakes
my hubby and kids
following on pinterest google and you tube etc
My kids and all their friends
My niece, she’ll eat as much as me and not make me feel guilty 🙂 x
My family and friends 🙂
my whole family!
following on GFC Clare Davies and youtube also same name x
My family
My other half, Meryl Streep, though she probably wouldn’t come. Neil Gaiman. David Attenborough and Helen Mirren.
My family!!
My grandkids
I love pancakes
My late father
I’d invite nobody at all so I can eat them all myself. Nom nom nom
my mum as she has always made pancakes for me
my family 🙂
i +1 on google
Just the people i love most – my other half and my two lovely girls
All my family 🙂
family and friends
My mum 🙂
Following on google plus- Rhiannon Alwen
family and friends
It would have to be my sister and her sweet tooth!
my granddaughter, because we love making pancakes together
my daughter
My family of course and some of my blogging friends
My family!! They are always hungry!!
I wouldn’t invite too many people, then I could have more to myself!
Following on Google+ – Mickie Bull
Subscribed to Youtube – Mickie Bull
Friends & family
My son as we love maing pancakes.
family and friends for my sons 3rd birthday
My lil sis
Family and a few friends
Friends ^^
My family & friends
i will invited friends. had follow on google+, youtube and pinterest
My neighbours
my 2 friends that i have not seen in months
My daughter, she loves pancakes 🙂
my boys friends
I would love to invite all my friends from all over the country – not sure about the logistics though!
subscribed on youtube
google +1’d
I’d invite all my family, I’m sure we’d have a flipping geat time!
Subscibed on youtube and also done the google bit (i think!!)
My daughters as they love pancakes.
I would invite my best friend and her three boys to have a feast with my 3 boys!
This is a lovely prize, would love to win it and use it for picnics with the kids In Ilkley on a lovely day.
my partner, my 6year old sister and my mum
Family and friends
I would invite all my 2 year old sons friends over for a fun pancake party
my mum she’s a pro at pancakes!!
I’m already subscribed on YouTube
I’m already following on Google+
all family and friends
I’d invite my best friends from home, we’re all at university at the moment and don’t get to meet up often
My children & nieces
My family and close friends
My kids as they are pancake mad
My Hubby he loves Pancakes!
my family and friends
My family and best friend with her daughter.
i would love to treat my little boy and his friends to a pancake party…. and all the mums of course 😉
My best mates!
Subscribed to your youtube as Herbert Appleby
My family 🙂
My family and close friends!
Family & friends
People on a diet so there’s more for me!
my nanna
my parents and close family
love my pancakes so this prize would be great.
All of my family !!
my family
I’d invite my family.
I’d invite my children
Would invite the family as we did at Christmas when I was young. So with the grandparents (no longer with us rip) and the sis-/bro-in-law (in America) and cousins all over the place there would be 13 (without all the other additions – which would make it nearer 30 now). Subscribed on YT and following via Google+ as Tracy Hanson/
I’d invite my mum and dad 😀
My family who I don’t see very often
I’d invite my sister as I live in Scotland and she lives in London and we hardly ever get a chance to see each other – especially not over yummy pancakes!
my daughters all three of them love pancakes
Brad Pitt but I doubt he would come, more for me.
I would have a pancake party with my family
My girls! We’d have a duvet day and have an indoor pancake party in our jammies 🙂
Yumyumyum in my tummy x
My family
My mum, sister and all the neighbours. Great chance to get the street together!
My family and boyfriend :3
Subscribed to youtube!
my kids, my friends and their kids 😀
My family, I think that they are the best company of all
Phil from Modern Family. He invented pancake batter with popcorn kernels in it. When the kernels heat up, they pop and flip the pancake. Self-flipping pancakes – genius!
That has to earn him an invite to the pancake party 😀
all the family
In my dreams Urs Beuler, in reality my Grand Daughter and her friends
all the family
my husband as he loves pancakes
with jam or orange juice
sugar sprinkled on top
always decorates putting a face on it.
All my sons school friends and have pancake races up and down the street
My son and his friends 🙂
I e subscribed on YouTube 🙂
next door friends
My friends and the kids!
my family and friends
My best friends.
everybody that ive not caught up with this year but been meaning to and with family too
I should say my family but I want to keep them all for ME x x x x
My family & friends 🙂
I’d invite all my dutch friends round so I could be a little show off
I’d invite a friend for a girlie sleepover and have this as an amazing breakfast!!!!!!!!!
My university friends, we’d all devour it xx
Youtube subscribed & +1 as Charlotte Clark
I would invite the kids, niece and nephews
All my friends, everyone love pancakes
My friends in London who I haven’t seen since I moved up to Edinburgh 2 months ago!
David Beckham 😉
my family and friends
Kevin Spacey. If, for some reason, he declined, then I guess I’d invite my sister and her little boys instead. 🙂
My family – I have no idea lmao
I’d invite all the kids I taught. I miss them.
My kids
My sister… She s a pancake addict!
My Boyfriend who lives 200 miles away!
And the rest of my family 🙂 – a nice small get together with yummy treats!
let the kids indulge
I would prepare the pancakes as breakfast in bed for my lovely mum, she deserves it.
I would invite my kids they dont come over enough and pancakes would tempt them round
My best friend and H from Steps!
My daughter 🙂
Family and friends
I’d invite my best friend who I don’t see very often since she moved away. What a perfect way to catch up over a big feast like this!
I would invite my best friend who lives far away and I dont see much since I moved…or Robbie Williams.
I’m already subscribed to your youTube channel 🙂
Would have to be my daughter and her shcool firends who all adore pancakes
my nephews
My Husband just loves pancakes – breakfast, lunch and evening meal!
All my pals from work and I would make an alcoholic fruit punch to go with the pancakes
I’ invite my family. oh and Eric Cantona 😉
My hubby, pancakes are his absolute favourite! They are his death row meal, not that he’s on death row x
I would have my four nieces and nephew round for tea in the garden 🙂
I would invite my daughter and some of her friends 🙂
My mum, gran and boyfriend.
my hubby he love this
Mr and Mrs shrove
I’d make the most of this by enjoying a relaxed breakfast with my daughter and husband, taking time out of our busy lives. Just spending some quality family time together is just what we need.
my parents
Family for a big family get together!
my fiance!
My best friend, my mummy!
Linda Robson. I’d imagine she’d just be an absolute scream.
my family,we all love pancakes yummy
My son’s school friends
My sons !
I would invite all my family, and have a great day.
my kids friends x
The Prime Minister
Rob patterson
My 3 pancake mad kids!
My husband and son
My family they all love pancakes
I would invite my kids friends and let them put on their on toppings, I am sure it would get very messy!!!
Ronnie Corbett
my partner
my mum, she loves pancakes
i would invite my kids friends so they can all enjoy the party together with my sons
My family!
My Mum,Aunty and Cousins 🙂
Subscribed to your channel on You Tube 🙂
Followed your page on Google + 🙂
All my friends so that we could have a girly treat.
I would invite Brian Blessed
My family – all cook and share experience 🙂
My Mum
My children
We would have a family get together.
All my neighbours
Subscribed already to You Tube
+1 on on your Google page
My Family
I would invite all my neighbours.
my partner jenny
My children and grandbabies 🙂 x
claudia winkleman
Spidy and BradJolina
My son and daughter
all my family and friends buy my daughter is the main person as she is pancake mad and eats them most days for breakfast or a bedtime snack 🙂 x
Olly Murs cos he could then dance with me tonight to work off the calories!
my friends and their kids
I would invite my mum and step dad over with my brother and sisters
Bradley Cooper 😉
id share it at my grandmas 99th birthday party in two weeks.
I’d invite gran and grandad as every time my children go to stay they insist on gran making them pancakes for breakfast so im sure she would appreciate having them made for her for once
My family
All of my family :-0
Family but in particular my brother he is an excellent pancake fiipper!
Family and friends
All family. Would be so nice :}
All my family
My friends and fam xx
George Clooney… and my nan.
Stephen Fry – I think he’d be good fun
My book club!
my little boy – he loves pancakes with lemon curd on top!
I would invite my partner, our two children and our friends & their children.
My daughter and her favourite toys (of course) Peppa Pig and Iggle Piggle!
I would invite all generations of the family because everyone loves pancakes 🙂
I would invite my best friends round as we don’t often get time to all catch up 🙂
I would invite Carol the Weather Girl fromm BBC Breakfast – what a Cracker
My four kids, there would be nothing left by the time they have finished
My gorgeous boyfriend, Adam.
Following you on Youtube.
jason statham my two favourite things in the world together
Subscribed as sanchik on Youtube
Definitely my grandchildren
I would invite my friends 🙂
no one!! Pancakes are too good to share!!
followed on google plus
great prize love pancakes
my family and friends x
I would invite Prince
The Rolling Stones! They’d get plenty of ‘satisfaction’ from the pancakes – superb (and perhaps I could persuade them to provide the music)!?!
I think we would like to have a family get together for a pancake party 🙂
my family
I would invite my wife.. she would kill me if I did not invite her 😉
My kids
Old school friends for a good catch up. Lost touch with a lot of them.
my beautiful family 🙂
My family
The whole family!
my family and close friends
I’d invite Jose Mourinho, I bet he’s never tasted a pancake as good as mine
subsribed to youtube and google as Sam R
I would have a pancake party with my daughters
I would invite all the family round
All of my family and friends
My husband!!!! My 4th child lol
Al lof my family and friends
Chuck Norris
Youtubed and Google Plussed
My Mum, let her put her feet up for a morning
My Nana
I’d invite my mum 🙂
I subscribe to your youtube channel – Sam Fernley
my sister partner and niece x
I would invite Peter Andre, down to earth, handsome & loves his food. Cant beat a bit of The Andre.
I am following on Youtube
Have given a g+1