One of the most common questions i’m asked at this time of year is what I cook for Christmas Dinner and how I organise it all.
We’re a pretty traditional bunch when it comes to the festive feast, but we need to include a vegetarian option for Matthew, plus I like to exercise a bit of creativity by trying a few new side dishes to mix things up a little.
In terms of staying calm my main advice is to do as much cooking and prep in advance as possible. Having a stash of sides, gravy and desserts ready to go really takes the pressure off and means you’ll actually have time to spend with your family.
Writing out a time plan is also essential, especially if you’re getting stuck into the tipples early doors! Stick the plan to the fridge door, set little alarms to go off to remind you to put things in the oven and it’ll keep everything on track. It’s just a glorified Sunday Roast after all….
You can find my Christmas Dinner planner over on Parentdish in case you wanted to get yourself sorted before the big day next week.
Check it out here>>> Christmas Dinner Countdown Turkey and all the Trimmings
Good luck with getting it all sorted and I hope you have a fabulous Christmas holiday!
Katie xx
We’re keeping it fairly simple this year – roast turkey, roast veg, as much made in advance as possible. I’m tired of spending all day slaving over the cooker and not getting to have as much fun as the rest of the family! Off to read your tips now! 🙂
Sounds very wise Elizabeth, I’ll definitely not be going crazy with a complicated menu either! Luckily my family like things traditional 🙂 Have a good one xxx
Love the planner! Luckily I’ve not had to cook a Christmas dinner yet but it would definitely come in handy if I was making a big one this year 🙂
Thanks Becca! Christmas Dinner is a challenge, but oh so satisfying once you’ve done it 🙂
I have a blog post about cocktail recipes for a cocktacular Christmas so I definitely will be boozing from early on! I love a nice traditional Christmas dinner though 🙂
Cocktacular!!!!! Did you invent that word Judith… I hope so!!!! Brilliant!!!!
That is true, preparing in advance is the best you can do. I tend to leave things for the last moment and then spend time in the kitchen instead of being with everyone…
It’s sad if you have to miss everyone opening their pressies… i’m going to try and do as much as possible in advance this year. Plus i’ll be cooking with my sister-in-law so hopefully many hands will make light work! Happy Christmas!