I created this quick and tasty lunch to celebrate a twitter party that Britmums were throwing with Birds Eye to celebrate all things #MixUpYourMenu. As ever it’s all about trying to find those genius little ideas everyone has to mix up the way they cook with their favourite Birds Eye products.
There were some fabulous ideas shared at the twitter party, my personal favourites being these gorgeous looking Fishfinger Bruschetta Canapés from Mari over on her fabulous blog Marisworld – go and check out her other ideas as she’s got LOADS>>>
Mari wasn’t the only one full of ideas, Helen from The Crazy Kitchen also had some inspiration for everyone using her Birds Eye favourites… I’m particularly loving the idea of using waffles to make fish finger sandwiches. It’s hard to beat a waffle for that old school vibe.
Get yourself over to The Crazy Kitchen for all the recipes. And check back with BritMums for a bigger round-up of all the amazing ideas in the next few days.
So back to my nifty lunch, ready in under 30 minutes and a great alternative to the traditional fish fingers, chips and peas. I don’t usually have a hot lunch when i’m working from home, but i’m glad I did today as all the recipe ideas at the twitter party made me extremely hungry!
Wholegrain fish fingers with sweet potato wedges and crushed minted peas
Serves 4
Prep time: 5 mins
Cook time: 25-30 mins
4 large sweet potatoes
olive oil
dried rosemary
12 wholegrain Birds Eye fish fingers
4 handfuls Birds Eye frozen peas
1 handful fresh mint – leaves picked and chopped
1 tablespoon creme fraiche
1. Pre-heat the oven to 230C/210C fan/gas 8. Wash the sweet potatoes, then cut lengthways into wedges – the thinner you cut them the quicker they’ll cook. Toss them in a bowl with a glug or two of olive oil, a teaspoon of dried rosemary and a little sea salt and then turn out onto a baking sheet. Bake in the oven for around 25 mins until they crisp up on the outside and soft on the inside.
2. Halfway through cooking the wedges, put the fish fingers into the oven cook for 15-18 minutes, turning every five minutes to stop them sticking.
3. In the final five minutes, cook the peas for a few minutes, drain and toss with the chopped mint, creme fraiche and a little sea salt, then crush with a fork. Serve immediately with the fish fingers and sweet potato wedges.
Disclosure: I’m an ambassador for Birds Eye’s Mix Up Your Menu campaign and this recipe is my own idea based on the twitter party for BritMums.